Journal Entry: August 29th – Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week II

August 29th 2017

Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week II

Tonight I’m finishing up my third day of dry-fasting. As I mentioned in the previous post, I’m trying to to do the same three consecutive days of dry-fasting as I did last week. Only this time, I won’t be eating out at all. This week has been pretty amazing so far in terms of productivity. On Sunday I was still digesting the cooked Peruvian food I had as my last meal on Saturday. On Sunday night I slept about 12 hours. I felt pretty guilty waking up late, but then I had such clarity of mind and mental energy, which made me feel better about my time investment in sleep. The following night I was feeling a bit hyper at bed time. I stayed about three hours in bed without being able to fall asleep. I got up around 3:00AM. I did some work on the computer. Then went back to bed around 4:00AM. Woke up at 7:30AM. Since then I’ve been busy doing things. It’s so liberating to not have to worry about food. I can do things all day. I have been keeping busy these days by recording music, building my band’s website/ blog, working on this blog, getting interviewed for jobs, and taking one class at the university. In about two days, I have a fourth round of interviews for a job opportunity. If I get it, it’s going to be an interesting experience for this blog.

Since I have started this journey as my attempt for a healthier living, I’ve been unemployed the entire time. Now I look forward to be working again, and incorporate my new habits into my life as a working person. I want to see how I will be performing without drinking any coffee, eating healthy, and dry-fasting while working in a corporate environment. The only part that worries me a bit,  is the social aspect with future colleagues. I don’t want to be left out, at the same time, I don’t want to get back in to the habit of eating food that I think isn’t ideal for my body to function at its best. We’ll see how I’ll be able integrate my new life-style to a corporate setting if I end up filling in the position.

At my previous job, my boss was into having pizzas for lunch. Back then, I liked the taste of pizzas, and going out to eat on lunch breaks with my boss was always fun and an enriching experience intellectually.  That said, I am not sure that eating a pizza for lunch on a workday was the most adequate food option for my metabolism. Each time I would have a pizza, I would feel slower and less productive during that same afternoon. I don’t mind eating with other people once in a while, but I think I prefer to eat alone, in peace. Eating in social settings such as a business lunch to give an example, does not always suit me. Especially if the topics that are being discussed are work related, or require me to do some brain work. I think it’s extremely important to be relaxed when it comes to eating. I like being grateful, and enjoy every bite that the nature gave me, chew well, and eat slowly and solely focus on food while I am eating. When I eat with other people, I tend to feel like I am multi-tasking which is not ideal for me. This is maybe something I need to work on: Try to be as relaxed when I am eating with people as I am eating by myself.

When I think about topics such as eating in social settings,  I feel like what is good for my well-being conflicts with the needs of traditional corporate culture, which at times  sees a lunch break as an opportunity to do more work.  If more work needs to be done, today I can easily say that I rather dry-fast and work all day. That way, there will be no conflict, more work  done, and I’ll be enjoying my dinner even more later that night.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.