Starting Points

Starting Points are Seeds for Change…..This whole section is about providing a list of specific tools and practices that helped me initiate and sustain positive change in my life…

I don’t like the idea of having formulas, and even less the idea to categorize things as healthy or unhealthy. Instead, I prefer the idea of planting seeds for change that I call starting points.  The idea is to experiment with them to see how my body reacts to the introduced change. In this section I am going to provide a list of starting points that have been beneficial for me. All these points are now well integrated to my life, but I had to start somewhere at some point. For each starting point my goal is to redact a post, to explain in detail my own experience.

This is my attempt to try to describe each starting point and my approach to how to use them. What has worked for me, may not work for you, or not work in the same way. This is why, I personally think that your body knows better than you and I. My approach allows the creation of an environment for the human body to express itself. The key then resides in our ability to listen to our body and let it guide us. As with any change,  I believe, it is always safer to start slow and introduce change progressively.

Why Calling the Listed Items Starting Points?

It has been several weeks now, I’ve been reflecting on finding the best terminology possible for what I call starting points. I think it is important to define it as precisely as possible, since these points and the approach on how to use them has been the core element of my journey for change so far. Until I find a better term, I decided to call them starting points. I see the starting points as seeds for change. (“Seeds for Change” was actually the runner up term. ) It’s up to each individual to embrace or not a starting point and make it grow in her own way. The main idea I am trying to convey with my approach, is that there is no exact formula for success with this. You can see each starting point as a color on  a painter’s palette. It will then be up to each individual to decide what color to use, how much of it, and how to combine a color with other colors.

After this paragraph comes my list of starting points. On this page I am going to give short descriptions for each one. I’ll be creating an individual post for each starting point to give greater detail on my experience with the actual tool or practice. I hope my approach can inspire you. All the following points have contributed immensely to initiate and sustain constant change in my attempt for a healthier living.

Embracing Raw Food

This was the very first step I took in my attempt for a radical change. Eating food raw. I never went 100%, but for about eight months straight I ate 95% raw. I was even eating meat and eggs raw. In addition to eating raw, I also quit dairy products, cereals, processed sugars and alcohol. After the eight month period I’ve been occasionally consuming dairy products, but with alcohol, I think I’m done for good. I wouldn’t recommend to quit everything at once the way I did, but rather go progressively. Today (Jan 2018) I must be eating for about 75% raw. I think having a diet made of higher percentage of raw food  is probably the main pillar of the change I was able to make. Read more on “Embracing Raw Food” >>>


Dry-fasting is King! This has been the more spectacular starting point in terms of getting results for me. It could also be the most challenging. I consider it being my main tool in the toolbox that accompanies me on my journey. The key to make dry-fasting work for myself was not to fear it, but embrace it progressively. Dry-fasting can be extremely fun and motivating when practiced on a regular basis. Read more on “Dry-Fasting”>>>

Slow Juicing

If dry-fasting is King, juicing is probably Queen! Juicing the way I do it requires some money and and time investment. There’s also a learning curve to juice this way . After 22 months (Jan 2018) of juicing regularly I can easily say that, I am glad I’ve been investing in this practice. I’ve started to reap the benefits right from the beginning. As I continued, some major improvements in my health started surface too. Juicing has become a sort of ritual in my daily life. Read more on “Slow Juicing”>>>


Nothing new here, everyone knows that exercising is good for us. What I’ve learned with my experience is that there are many ways to exercise. I realized for myself that working out like crazy wasn’t the most adapted way of exercising for my initial situation. Yoga and walking long distances have brought more positive returns in the short term. Read more on my way of”Exercising”>>>


This is probably one of my top favorites.  The benefits have surpassed my expectations. There’s something mysterious about it. I don’t exactly know how it works, but it does work for me. Since I’ve been living in Buenos Aires, I’ve been having more access to direct sunlight. Now I see the sun a nutriment. I consider a minimum exposure of 20 minutes same as having a meal. Read more on Sunbathing>>>


This one helped me a lot. I went from a work environment where I was exposed to several computer screens and frequent digital interruptions,  to be able to fast from constant connectivity. I was able to rebound from a situation where I was mentally exhausted, without really noticing it while it was actually occurring. Today I do use connected technologies, but with my own discipline. Read more on Disconnecting >>>

Three Week Challenges

I usually approach this as it was a game. I pick something I think that brings my mood and energy down. Or pick something in my life that is not challenging me enough. I then impose myself to stay away from the disempowering habit or embrace an empowering one for at least three weeks. It can be something simple like not using any elevator, not speaking in your native language for a certain amount of time, or not consuming dairy products etc… Read more on the Three Week Challenges>>>

Salt Flush

A salt flush is a cleansing technique that consists of helping the digestive system to get rid of heavy metals and other toxic stagnant elements present inside the digestive system. I started to include salt flushes into my life almost two years after I had started this journey for a healthier lifestyle. The results I got from it were astonishing. I can definitely say that doing salt flushes on a regular basis, got me to the next level of feeling good. I have the feeling that it was a nice support to all the other efforts I had been putting into cleansing my entire system. Read more on “Salt Flush”>>>

Breathing Exercises

This one is also an extremely powerful tool. Just like dry-fasting it is absolutely free! Maybe it’s not a coincidence that the more powerful tools are free, and already built-in to our system. Read more on “Breathing Exercises”>>>


Since I’ve embraced writing on a daily basis, things have started going back on track in my life. I don’t know if everyone would benefit  from writing regularly the way I do. I try to write or edit at least 2000 words daily. This routine helps to clear my mind, and get to know myself better. Writing is one of the key starting points which contributed greatly at transforming my life.  Along with breathing exercises and other practices, writing on a regular basis has a calming effect on my system. I also think that I’ve been growing intellectually since I’ve included writing into my life. Read more on “Writing”>>>

Dry Brushing

This practice appears to have several functions. It seems to support the skin to eliminate toxins. It also appear to be a factor that helps the lymphatic fluid to move around. It definitely has an energizing effect on my body before I jump into the shower. Read more on “Dry Brushing”>>>


This one is an extremely powerful one. It actually seems to have the similar benefits to dry-brushing in terms of getting rid of toxins through the skin and moving the lymphatic liquid around when combined with cold showers. The main challenge for me in recent times resided in having access to a sauna.  When the practice of going to a sauna on a regular basis was part of my weekly routine, the results on my well being were spectacular. Read more on “Sauna”>>>

Cold and Hot Showers

Alternating cold and hot showers seem to help my lymphatic fluid move around. I also have the feeling that it is gradually turning me into a more resilient person. Read more on “Hot and Cold Showers”>>>


I can’t  always afford to get massages on a regular basis, but each time I can get one, I’m so glad that I did. I think it’s a great investment. In combination with sun-bathing, and getting good quality sleep, it has been working great for me. Read more on “Massages”>>>

Making Music

For me it has been making music. For you it may be something else. I just think that having a true passion in life, even if it doesn’t generate substantial income, is paramount for my well being. If you haven’t found your true passion yet,  the journey of trying to find it, can in itself be an extremely positive and enriching experience, until the true passion in life is found. Read more on “Making Music” >>>

Understanding Physiological Principles

Getting knowledge on how the body functions has been a great source of motivation for me. By having a better understanding of the physiological processes, I was able to reinforce my faith in my practices, and keep pursuing them. My idea with this starting point, is to explain my understanding of some physiological concepts with my own words. At this point I got most of my knowledge from Thierry Casasnovas and Nestor Palmetti.  I believe that me explaining what I learned from them an others in my own words can have some added value. I’m not sure how much literature they both have in US English. I also think that a synthesis made by a person who goes through the actual experience of healing his body, and who is not a health professional can give an valuable perspective to others. Read more on “Understanding Physiological Principles” >>>


I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.