Journal Entry: September 7th 2017 – I’m feeling like a well-oiled machine

September 7th 2017

 I’m feeling like a well-oiled machine.

I haven’t eaten outside of home for the past 12 days. This week I did a dry-fast for 58 hours. To break my fast I had some lemon juice followed by a litter of home made green juice. I did not eat anything solid for 24 hours. The next day, I made the same juice, and drank about the same quantity of that delicious home made green juice. On both days I had about four table spoons of organic coconut oil after finishing my green juice. Later in the afternoon I ate a very simple fruit salad made with organic bananas, grapefruit and shredded dried coconut. For dinner, I prepared some avocado “maki” rolls. Later on that night, I made some hazelnut milk. Before going to bed I had a jar of hazelnut banana milkshake, by blending the hazelnut milk with an organic banana.

I’ve been feeling extremely positive, and I believe being very productive in my own standards. It feels like I haven’t had any downtime this week, but yet I don’t feel tired or stressed out by any means. I feel like a well-oiled functioning machine. I think the weekly fasts are really helping me out in great ways. In addition to fasting and nutrition,  being able to do what I love to do has been an extremely fulfilling  source of happiness lately. My great passion is recording my own songs, and finally I was able to build a nomadic mini-home studio here in Argentina. Since I’ve been producing music again, not only I experience the joy from making music, but also I don’t have the negative feeling of missing out on opportunities to make music. All the periods when I’m not able to make music, a part of me tend to be very miserable.

The point that I want to make; yes we are what we eat. That said, we don’t only intake food. We “eat” human relationships, we “eat” the air, we “eat” the sun, we “eat” our work environment. If those things other than food that we put into our system are not of good quality, I strongly believe that, it is going to have a negative effect on our overall well being.

If you are curious about my music adventure and the story that goes with it, you can check it out by clicking here.


The green juice was made of:

  • celery
  • fennel bulb
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 small red apple
  • 3 small oranges
  • 1 lemon
  • 2 gloves of garlic
  • fresh mint leaves
  • fresh ginger root
  • fresh curcuma root

The fruit salad was made of:

  • 1 grapefruit
  • 2 organic bananas
  • shredded coconut

The hazelnut milk was made of:

  • 250gr of hazelnut soaked in water for 24hrs
  • 1.3 litter of water
  • 4 dates
  • a pinch of Himalayan salt.

Raw truffles for dessert the next day: (With the pulp of the hazelnut I made some raw truffles without any processed sugar.)  Ingredients:

  • hazelnut pulp
  • 4 extra dates
  • raw unsweetened cacao powder
  • organic coconut oil
  • organic honey
  • shredded coconut

Blend it all in a food-processor, or an appropriate blender. Rest the mix in the freezer for 15 minutes, then put it in the fridge. I personally don’t always make little balls with the mixed paste. I usually slice an entire banana on one portion of mix, and sprinkle some shredded coconut. It’s ends up being something between a bowl you’ll have for breakfast, and a dessert. It’s delicious, and gives me a lot of energy.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.