Journal Entry: October 17th 2017- Breaking my 9-day Dry-Fast – Day 10/9

October 17th 2017

Last Hours

Today is the day I am going to break my nine day dry-fast. In exactly one hour it’s going to be 216 hours that I haven’t had a drop of water nor solid food. I wasn’t planning on breaking the fast right at the 216 hour mark, but I just woke up naturally early this morning. It’s 3:00 AM now.

Yesterday was a fantastic day in terms of weather, mind clarity, and overall happiness. That said, I have to admit that my return from the lake to my apartment was a bit painful. This is the first time during this actual fast that I experienced the dry mouth sensation. I had to make several stops on my way back home to rest. I started to see double with my left eye, just like it happened to me during the last day of my first seven and a half day dry-fasting attempt. I went and purchased some lemons at this organic grocery store called Fresco. Unfortunately they didn’t have organic lemons at the moment. Even their conventionally grown products are usually superior in quality. Since the lemons are to break a long fast like this one, I did not mind investing in the best I can afford at the moment. The people working there usually seem very interested in my dry-fasting experiences. It’s always a great pleasure for me to chat with them. They seem to be genuinely passionate about healthier approaches towards nutrition. During our conversation today, at times I was experiencing difficulties to find my words, but at the same time the ideas I wanted to express were clear in my mind. At moments, I was feeling like I was under the influence of hallucinogen drugs.

After buying some lemons, I went back home, to rest a little bit. Tried to play some bass guitar for about fifteen minutes, but I was having hard time focusing. I was again locked in-between moods, where I couldn’t be very productive, yet I was feeling too hyper to go to bed. Finally around midnight I was able to bed down, I slept for about two and a half hours. Suddenly a healing crisis woke me up. I had a few more until 3:00AM. I couldn’t go back to sleep. That’s when I decided to get up and start my day. Now I am going to go ahead and juice lemons I got yesterday from Fresco. After having my lemon juice, I’ll write some more….

Post Lemon Juice Writing

I had the first sip of my  lemon juice at 4:42 AM completing a 216 hours and 42 minutes dry-fast, which is my record to this day. Similarly to previous longer fasts when I used lemon juice to break my fast, the actual lemon juice tasted more like lemonade than pure lemon juice . Only my teeth could sense the acidity. After finishing my juice, I laid down on my back for few minutes, to encourage the lemon juice to make it to the kidneys. I’m not really sure if it helps or not? My mind is still pretty clear, but the moment I broke my fast, some of the magic of dry-fasting in terms of mind clarity left me. This is one of the reasons why I’ll be on a  green-juice fast today, and a part of tomorrow. The idea is to keep the mind clarity element as long as I can after the dry-fast. My left eye is still seeing a bit double. I am hoping to have a good and productive day today. We’ll see if the lack of sleep from the past two days will affect my productivity or not.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.