Journal Entry: October 29th 2017 – 17 Hours of Sleep – Traditionally Cooked Meals –

October 29th 2017

Low Energy

I’ve been on a Sunday, Tuesday, Friday dry-fasting pattern for over a week now . On Friday my shift at work got cancelled. I was morally affected by the situation. When a shift gets cancelled, it means 50% less work for an entire week. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to make sustainable living with this work opportunity. In addition to the low morale, I had lower energy than usual. I tried to be productive during the morning. In the afternoon I decided to go to Palermo and do a long walk. I always have my e-book reader with me. When I get tired I usually read a chapter or two from the e-reader. I’m reading “The Stand” from Stephen King at the moment. I enjoyed my time in Palermo, the weather was partially cloudy and windy. As the clouds were passing in front of the sun, I would get or not get exposure to the sun. Moments with direct sunlight were out-winning the cloudy moments. I was able to spend over an hour at the “Plaza Armenia”. After completing several chapters of my book, I decided go back home to do more work on my own projects. I had low energy all day, and I had been feeling kind of tired. After making it back home, I was able to spend less than an hour on the computer. I decided to go to bed. It was only 7:00PM. I followed my instinct and went to bed. It was a bit hard at first to fall asleep on a Friday night in my neighborhood due to the noise coming from the street, but I somehow at one point managed to bed down.

17 Hours of Uninterrupted Sleep

When I woke up it was noon the next day. I was in shock! I had slept for about 17 hours straight. I started to question why I had slept for so long?

  • Was it due to my new pattern of fasting?
  • Was it some sort of an after-effect  of my recently completed nine-day dry-fast?
  • Was it due to the fact that I had not been eating out for three weeks?
  • Was it because I almost not had red meat and animal products for several months?
  • During the week I had been adding ingredients full of micro-nutriments to my juices, such as fresh nettle leaves, parsley, eatable flowers . Maybe finally my body had access to nutriments that it was missing for long time, and needed time to do some reconstruction?
  • A combination of all, none, or some of the above bullet points could also constitute the correct answer.

I had kept my urine in a jar from the night before. In the morning the urine was completely opaque and had a smell of burnt tire. My urine after the 17 hour sleep was also pretty heavy in terms of cellular waste and had similar bad smell to the preserved urine from the night before. I still don’t know what happened inside of my body during those 17 hours of uninterrupted sleep, but I am pretty sure that it was very beneficial for me.

Traditional Cooked Meal

I decided to take it easy on Saturday, and allow myself a traditionally cooked meal outside of home. I think I mentioned this in earlier posts. One experiment I wanted to carry out, was to revisit traditional foods I used to have before embracing a diet dominated by a high percentage of plant based raw food. Not only to see how the traditionally cooked meals taste now that my diet has completely changed, but also observe how I feel the next day. Last night I went to this Indian restaurant named Mumbai I had discovered during my last visit visit to Buenos Aires in November 2016. It had been almost a year since I had dined there. I visited the place last night, and I had an experience that was closer to a feast than a simple dinner. I had this halal lamb meat, marinated in a spinach and curry sauce. I had some Indian rice, along with some garlic naan. They also bring the tastiest sauces with the naan bread. There is white, a green, and a red one. They are all succulent, and accompany to perfection the naan bread before and during the meal. My experience of the meal was exceptional. Everything tasted perfect. The halal lamb meat was out of this world, but I guess the new me was more into the spinach component of the curry sauce than the meat. I may have eaten a bit too much once again. I was so full when I left the restaurant. I decided to walk from Palermo back home to Belgrano where I currently live. It was already past midnight when I left the restaurant. I went to bed around 3:00 AM.

This morning I woke up at 9:30AM in a good mood, and with high level of energy. I don’t feel any negative effects from the traditional food I ate last night. I feel quite the contrary actually. Last night’s meal may have nourished my body with some missing elements from my latter diet of eating mostly plant based raw meals. It has been very challenging for me to find the perfect balance. I don’t even know if it can even be reached. I’m going to pursue with my fasting patterns, juicing, eating mostly raw plant based meals. I want to go back to eating more raw. Last week I’ve mostly had steamed vegetables and quinoa. Once in a while like I did yesterday, I am going to allow myself traditional meals as well. I do think that I can learn from the experience, and the traditional meals can also be beneficial to my overall balance in nutrition. That is one of the reasons why I try to stay away from religious approach to nutrition, and label things as right or wrong. I think the context and the personal history of each individual play such an important role that straight forward formulas are not of a great help for me. This is also why the idea of picking a starting point, and then let my body guide me, works well for me. Because ultimately, I am convinced that my body knows what’s better for me, than I do.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.