Journal Entry: November 12th 2017 – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday Dry-Fasting Pattern –

November 12th 2017

Like a Metronome

My current weekly dry-fasting pattern has been acting like metronome on my life lately. I’ve been dry-fasting on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I’m working from home on two of the dry-fasting days: Tuesdays and Fridays. I am producing for about 10 to 12 hours of pure work per working day. Since I am on a freelancer contract, I only take into account the hours when I am actually in front of the computer working. In terms of food intake, it has been a mix of me preparing raw vegetarian food at home, and going out to eat traditionally cooked food.

Back to Consuming Animal Origin Products

For the past three weeks I’ve been consuming animal origin products again. Yesterday was the third Saturday in a row that I went to the Indian restaurant Mumbai on “calle” Honduras and Bonpland. It has been an extreme enjoyment for me to have their food. Even though it’s cooked, rich food, made with ingredients containing animal, cereal, and dairy products, I haven’t felt any negative symptoms on any of the next days I’ve been there. Mumbai has not been the only place I had cheat meals. I had some excellent white cod fish one night at a restaurant called Las Pizarras Bistro, and experimented by having a burger and conventional ice cream as dessert the same night somewhere else. Next day, I felt my energy levels and cognitive abilities being negatively affected. Intuitively, I blame it more on the burger than the rest of the food I had that night. That’s where I am at right now in terms of eating and fasting. There is a sort of a balance in my diet and schedule.

Ideas on Fine-Tuning the Current Fasting Pattern

As far as dry-fasting goes, I’m planning on keeping the three days I have for now, and once in a while add a fourth day. I was thinking adding a Saturday, that way I will have three days in a row of dry-fasting. It could also be interesting to play with taking out Wednesday or Thursday. Since it’s the only moment of the week, I am eating two days in a row, It feels like that this is when my energy levels are lowering the most throughout the week.

Cereals, Dairy and Animal Origin Products

In terms of allowing myself to consume cooked food, with animal, dairy, and cereal products on certain occasions, I don’t know what to think about it yet. It seems like the effects have been more positive than negative so far. It has maybe something to do with the fact that I was able to purify my system as I’ve been abstaining form those products for a long time. It could just be that for now I am feeling excellent, but in the long run consuming those products will make some negative symptoms resurface again. I am going to keep listening to my body. This is maybe a period when my body needs certain nutriments it had been missing in the past months or so. Since I am still juicing and eating excellent organic products at home, plus dry-fasting three days a week, maybe all these factors have created a situation of equilibrium, ideal for my metabolism at the current moment?

Working and earning money again, have been positive for my morale.

The fact that I work and earn money again, has been having a positive effect on my morale. It had been a year and eight months that I had not worked to earn money. Working only a couple of days a week, from home, and still being able to work decent number of hours for a part time is a good situation to be in. I can still work on my other projects, earn some money, and get some new work experience. I’ve been putting a lot of efforts lately to acquire new skills, and develop the ones I already have. My goal is to be able to establish myself more as a freelancer. Being a freelancer allows me to use my time more efficiently, and overall, produce way more than if I had to commute to work, and socialize with co-workers. This situation allows me to put a good amount of hours into For A better Monday and Black Sea Storm projects as well. I feel like things have been falling into place lately. I want to keep working hard on all the projects I am involved in, and keep taking great care of my well-being. That way, I believe, I can keep making progress in a more sustainable manner.

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