Journal Entry: December 27th 2017 – News on the Kidney Filtration Situation

December 27th 2017

Some New Observations on Kidney Filtration

As I already mentioned it in my journal entry of December 20th, my kidneys had stopped filtering during my move from my old apartment to the new one. I took two and a half days to move, because I wanted to transport all my belongings by foot. Friday night the move was over. Saturday morning I did the check out from the old apartment, and had a day during which I was able to eat plenty of food. Sunday was my dry-fasting day. I decided to do a complete fast, where I kept from doing any intellectual work, and interact with electronic devices. In addition, I had plenty of sleep along with a great opportunity to sunbath on the roof of the building where I currently live.

Basically, for 34 hours I have not done anything. Monday I started to eat regularly (90% raw). During the dry-fast on Sunday and on Monday my kidneys weren’t filtering much, except for the jelly looking, suspended transparent waste material that usually comes out during dry-fasting periods. As of Tuesday morning, my kidneys started to filter an amazing quantity of cellular waste. The same situation occurred this morning (Wednesday). This makes me think that rest is an essential factor in promoting kidney filtration. I have also noticed the second day that follows a dry-fast, my kidneys tend to filter a lot.

Since my pattern during the months of October and November was to to dry-fast three, sometimes four days a week (Sunday, Tuesday, Friday +”Wednesday”), this could have been an important factor in my kidneys being able to filter almost on a daily basis during that period. Currently I am dry-fasting only one day a week, and I can observe that my kidneys are filtering less frequently. I still don’t know what would be the standard for a healthy person. Are we supposed to filter each time we go to the bathroom? If that is the case, I still need to improve my current situation since my kidneys do not filter each time I go to the bathroom. That said, I have improved tremendously in that regard since I started monitoring my urine for kidney filtration. For the past seven months or so, I was able to get rid of a lot of cellular waste material through kidney filtration.

Kidney filtration still remains quite mysterious to me, but I feel like I am more and more in a position where I can act on my kidneys in order to make them filter properly. I still don’t have the perfect formula to make them filter whenever I want, but here’s the updated list of factors that I think promote kidney filtration according to my own experience.

  • Dry-Fasting
  • Rest
  • Astringent Fruits
  • Raw Food
  • Dry-Brushing
  • Hot/Cold Showers
  • Mild Exercising (walking, bike riding, yoga, light running)
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Hot Compresses (on the actual kidneys)

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.