July 23rd 2017
A week of Dry-Fasting ( 180 hours – 7 and 1/2 days)
I came to the realization that all my different fasting experiences are starting to add up. It feels a bit like practicing a sport. I have the feeling that each fasting period is making me be a bit stronger, and gives me a sense of advancement in a journey. Each iteration of fasting and non-fasting periods are adding to my experience of knowing my body a bit better. What I really like about fasting on a regular basis, is that it never feels the same. If I compare the first 24 hours into my very first dry fast, and the one I’m doing currently, it is a whole different experience. 24 hours into my very first dry-fast in April 2016, I had to lay down on my bed, because of an intense headache and dizziness. I wanted to fall asleep, but I couldn’t because of the pain. Whereas now, being 24 hours into the dry-fast, it’s just a regular day. I can do physical and intellectual work and be productive as usual. Sometimes I even feel better during fasting periods than some of my non-fasting moments.Continue reading