Journal Entry: August 8th 2017 – Defining my Core Practices

7 years agoAli

August 8th 2017

Defining my Core Practices

I started my healthier living attempt 17 months ago. During the first eight-month my approach was pretty radical. I had a quasi complete raw diet. I had kicked out completely alcohol, diary products, and cereals out of my life. After the eight-month period I decided to be more flexible, and allowed myself to eat traditionally cooked food. I started having a diet where once or twice a week, I would allow myself to eat out more often. I decided to not restrict myself, and follow my desires.

Something interesting happened. Even though I would eat cooked traditional meals in restaurants, at home I stayed loyal to juicing and eating 90% raw. It felt like I had anchored and element for what I call “my core practices”.
During the last nine months I kept following my desires in terms of food. There were periods that I would eat more traditional food, but naturally have periods where I would come back to a diet that not only tasted good, but felt good as well.

Today I feel like I’ve anchored several elements that I consider as being a part of “my core practices”. Those elements are:

  • eating raw organic produce
  • dry-fasting
  • juicing
  • sunbathing
  • exercising
  • making music
  • reading
  • writing

I feel like these elements are constituting my new home in a way. Closer I stay to them, healthier and happier I feel.

I’ve been noticing that I have less cravings. I am as excited to prepare a salad at home as going out to eat. I get enormous joy out of very simple things of life. Less and less frequently, I want to leave “my new good center”. I very rarely eat red meat. It’s not official yet, but I think I quit drinking coffee. My perception of the urban environment  has completely changed. Before I would get excited by the energy of a lot of the businesses around, and some of them would be appealing to me. I would see some restaurants and be like, ” – one day I should check this one out”.  Whereas today, as far as food is concerned there are very few businesses that are appealing to me. I still enjoy the energy that comes out from certain businesses, but they don’t appeal to me anymore. This whole healthier living attempt has been an exciting and regenerating journey so far. It definitely helped me define the basis of “my core practices”. I’m curious to see how my behavior is going to evolve, and how my anchors are going to be redefined through time.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.