October 8th 2017
First Half of the Week Before the Big Jump
This week, I was able to eat plenty before starting my nine day dry-fast. I broke my 36 hour dry-fast on Monday. I had green juice, and ate raw that day. On Tuesday I also had some green juice and some fruits and nuts. I am currently taking a night class which starts at 7:00PM. During class I was in a state of almost enlightenment. My senses were sharp, I could focus well, and understand everything that the professor was saying (in Argentinian Castellano: which is probably one of the most difficult types of Spanish to understand for a foreigner like myself). It’s a 3 hour class, and this time around, the time went by really fast. I enjoyed the class more that the previous ones. Since it was the week when I wanted to eat more than usual, so I can prepare myself for the 9 day dry-fasting. I decided to go to Buenos Aires Verde after class and have a late dinner. This is one thing I love about Buenos AIres. One can go out for dinner at 23:00PM or midnight during a week day. I ordered a quinoa risotto. I was expecting something lighter because the dish had quinoa, but it ended up being a full on cooked meal. Wednesday and Thursday I kept going with green juicing.
I was able to find nettle in Belgrano.
I discovered a new organic store in Belgrano called Alma Zen. I could get a hold of some nettle. It was extremely fresh, and they were selling it with the roots on. I use nettle for two 3 things:
- I love adding it raw and fresh to my green juices.
- I like drinking it infused.
- I also use the boiled solution to apply it on my scalp 20 minutes before, and during shower. It makes my hair look better. It feels like it promotes blood circulation.
Second Half of the Week
Both days I prepared a good meal made of steamed vegetables, quinoa, and raw eggs. It’s the season for asparagus. I’ve been using the top nicer parts for my meal and the rest of the plant in my juices. Lately I’ve been doing better than ever with my kidney filtration, and I think me consuming a lot of asparagus helped the process. On Friday, again I made a green juice, and for dinner I ate raw. I’ve been making some raw vegetarian hand rolls. The ingredients vary depending on what I can find, but the most successful ones were made of:
- Avocados
- Chopped asparagus
- Chopped portobello mushrooms
- Wakane seaweed
- Nikiji seaweed
- Nori seaweed (raw for the inside)
- Nori seaweed sheets (toasted to make the actual hand-roll)
- Spriluna
- Maca powder
- Sesame seeds
- Chia seeds
- Chopped cherry tomatoes
- Chopped red bell pepper
- Olive oil
It’s a bit time consuming to chop everything, but the result is extremely tasty, and filling. On Saturday I had a feast at Buenos Aires Verde, in the afternoon. Later at night I went and ate some cooked Syrian food. I did eat a little bit of meat. It had been over couple months that I had not eaten red meat. Later at night I made a green juice before starting my 9 day dry fast. For the past three weeks I’ve been breaking my daily fast with some lemon juice and olive oil.
Last Week’s Debrief Before the Big Jump
If I had to comment on what I did learn this week, I would say that I did not have the same amount of productivity as with the pattern of fasting the first half of the week. I also had a harder time waking up in the mornings, especially the second half of the week. I do think that during the periods when I am eating, I am eating way too much. When I eat raw, I feel more energetic the next day, thhn when I eat cooked meals. Now I am looking forward to this new challenge of the 9 day dry-fast. I started fasting last night already. I am going to try to write in my journal as much as I can during the nine day period. I’ve done twice seven and a half day dry-fasting. This is the first time, I am going to attempt to go for nine days. I am extremely excited! Dry-fasting is KING!
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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.