Journal Entry: October 13th 2017- 9 Day Dry-Fasting Challenge – Day 6/9

October 13th 2017

Day 6

I am on the sixth day of my nine-day dry-fasting attempt. I went to bed early last night, but still woke up later than usual. In terms of clarity of mind, I’ve been feeling great today, but physically I’ve been feeling a bit weak and slow. It was a perfect day for doing some reading, and slow walking. I started to feel tiny aches where some of my muscles are attached to my bones, especially at the level of my calves. I think it probably comes from the lack of liquid intake, this results in the body pulling water from wherever it can. I am getting excited, as I am approaching my record of seven and a half day of dry-fasting. I am really curious to experience the eighth and the ninth day. My capacity to adapt to dry-fasting has improved to the point where, I haven’t been feeling thirsty or hungry at all so far.

Fasting as  Financial Investment with Great ROI

I know the header sounds funny, but I do believe that fasting could affect personal finances in a very positive way. Investing in dry-fasting made me realize how much time and money goes into eating. I don’t think I need to eat three times a day, 12 months a year. I don’t think our bodies are made for eating that often either. To me, it seems like our behavior has been socially engineered, so we consume more in order to support the current economic system.  Everything is setup so we consume in excess. We then pay the price with our wallet, but also directly with our health. Not only I believe that my investment in fasting is going to have great ROI, with me having to pay less or no disease related medical bills in the future, but it’s  also worth mentioning that I don’t spend any money on food and all the small expenses that revolve around food consumption while I am fasting.  Fasting allows me to get a glimpse of how it would feel like to be able to bypass the current economic system.

Other Benefits of Fasting

  • When fasting, I am able to be more productive, due to the extra mind clarity, and the lack of food related distractions.
  • It’s only days, sometimes weeks after a completing a longer fast  that I am able to reap some of the major benefits of fasting. I can often notice that my body functions better after the fast than before it. To give an example, since I’ve been fasting on a regular basis, my digestion improved tremendously. I can feel that after each fasting period the entire  digestive machine is working better than before.
  • Fasting allows me to experience the city differently. Since during my fasts I am not consuming food or liquid, I can not go to cafés or restaurants. This pushes me to go more often to parks, museums, libraries, and bookstores.

Why fasting is not getting more exposure in the media?

I wonder why there isn’t more emphasis on fasting in our culture and in the media? My guess is that no one is making money with fasting, therefore it’s not in the interest of any business to talk about it. If fasting was practiced by all of us, it is possible that the whole pharmaceutical industry would collapse, and a good amount of healthcare professionals would lose their jobs. It looks to me that we are in a situation where the people need to be unhealthy in order to support the good health of our economy.

I personally think of fasting as the most effective and the most spectacular practice that promotes healing. There seem to be more effort put into promoting products and services that often won’t deliver the half of what fasting can do for me. As if the solution to our health problems must always come from the outside, and we need to pay big money for it. I think the solution is within ourselves.  I decided to adopt a less is more approach to take care of my health.  Perhaps with dry-fasting, nothing for a while is even more than less. Dry-fasting is KING!

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.