Journal Entry: October 18th 2017 – The After Breaking my Fast –

October 18th 2017

The After Breaking my Fast

It has been 34 hours since I’ve broken my nine day dry-fast. The post-fasting experience has been quite different and more challenging than the previous fasting experiences I had so far. I’ve been eliminating huge amount of cellular waste through urination. My urine has been extremely charged. At the end of my previous fasts I also experienced similar situations, but this time around, not only the amount of waste was considerable, but also my kidneys have been able to filter every single time I’ve been going to the bathroom.  I did not have any solid food so far. I’ve been running on freshly extracted juices. I went through at least 20 lemons, since I’ve broken my fast. I was finally able to find some organic ones at Alma Zen. In addition to the lemon juice, I prepared this pretty intense, yet extremely delicious green juice.

Here’s the recipe:

  • Celery
  • Camomile
  • Kale
  • Dandelion Leaves
  • Green Apples
  • Kiwi
  • Oranges
  • Lemon + Peel
  • Garlic
  • Curcuma
  • Ginger

Not Feeling Comfortable in Crowded Environments

After I had my juice I had to take the subway to attend a class at the university. This is when things got more seriously challenging for the first time during and after the nine day dry-fast. In the subway I started to feel like everything was going way too fast  for me. I was getting extremely irritated by the crowd and the urban noise. It felt like my body was having a hard time transitioning and functioning on outer food again. Throughout my entire life, I’ve taken classes a university level for about seven years. This was the first time I’ve left class in the middle of it.  It was extremely hard for me to concentrate, and being in a crowded room felt also extremely irritating. As soon as I made it back home, I started to feel in peace again. I made some more lemon juice, finished the rest of my green juice.  I wanted to experiment with something I had not done before. I boiled some fresh camomile and made an infusion. I only had a few sips of it, since I wanted to stick with astringent liquids to promote cleansing, and not dilute my liquid intake with too much water. The effect of the infusion was immediate, it was extremely relaxing. Before bedtime I’ve made some orange juice with four organic oranges, and went straight to bed. I know it sounds a bit counter-intuitive. I don’t know why, having orange juice before bedtime improves my sleep quality, and I tend to wake up more energized the next morning.

I was able to sleep well, and decided to extend the juice-fast period

I was able to have an excellent night of sleep. I must have slept for over 10 hours. When I woke up I was feeling refreshed. No sensation of thirst or hunger. My urine in the morning was still charged with cellular waste, but less than the previous day. I did my daily yoga session, and decided to take alternated cold and hot showers  to promote the lymphatic fluid circulation. Before showering, I also dry brushed my skin. Tonight I was supposed to have solid food for the first time, but I decided to listen to my body. I actually feel extremely content at the moment. As if the green juice has given me plenty of nourishment. I want to extend as much as I can this period when I am eliminating all the nasty things from my body. I’m going to stick to juices, until I get hungry for solid food.

The Difference Between 7 and 9

I would have not guessed that there will be such a big difference between a seven day dry-fast, and a nine day one. This is the first time I am having difficulties coming back to a normal state of being, after a long period dry-fast. It seems to me that the ultimate two days of the actual dry-fast,  my body  got involved in deeper cleansing. I feel grateful that I had the opportunity to allow those nine days to my body to heal itself.  This is the reason why I want to get the maximum benefits out of it, by properly managing the post-dry-fasting period as I did with the fasting period. Next time I will plan accordingly to have more time to recuperate after the dry-fast period.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.