Journal Entry: October 25th 2017 – New Fasting Pattern – Local Organic Produce from Hudson

October 25th 2017

New Job, New Fasting Pattern

After the nine-day dry-fast I fed my body with liquids for a day and a half. The following three days I allowed myself to have solid food along with the daily juices.  Next, I did a 36 hour dry-fast, ate for one day, and now I’m finishing an other 36 hour dry-fast. My initial idea was to try to alternate fasting and non-fasting days. I was curious to see the effects on my productivity, and overall body weight. I mentioned in earlier journal entries how much weight I had lost due to dry-fasting. In April 2016 my wight was of 85 kg. /187lbs. Today I weight 64 kg. /141 lbs. By fasting more regularly, and for shorter periods of time, I am hoping to maintain, and gain some weight. The biggest challenge I can see so far in doing shorter fasts, is to find a system where I can keep my produce fresh, and purchase the right amount of produce to minimize waste.

Today I came up with a slightly different idea for my new fasting pattern. As of yesterday I started a regular freelancer job. I am going to be working Tuesdays and Fridays. Yesterday’s shift was over 12 hours and I was dry-fasting the entire day. Each day I’ll be working, I need to deliver my work at the end of the day. Not being distracted by food on those days, can give me a considerable edge on delivering on time and producing better quality work. This is why I decided to keep my regular habit of fasting on Sundays, and add Tuesdays and Fridays in order to form a new dry-fasting pattern. That way, I will be pretty close to a pattern of alternating  fasting and non-fasting days.

Alma Zen Rules!

I’ve been getting most of my fresh fruits and vegetable from a store named Alma Zen lately. They have excellent organic, and relatively affordable produce. When I first moved to Buenos AIres, it was quite of a challenge to get organic produce. Now I know several places that sell fresh organic fruits and vegetables. With Alma Zen I am able to get my produce almost directly from producers of the Buenos Aires province.. At times they have produce full of micro-nutriments such as fresh nettle, dandelion, or camomile. Their mini-van makes the trip to Hudson three times a week. I was told that the fruits and vegetable are coming from a reservation, and people working in Hudson are cultivating the land without using aggro-chemicals, or pesticides.  Getting my produce from Alma Zen allows me on certain days to enjoy produce that was harvested the same day. My body can feel that the produce I’m getting from them come from rich soils. Sometimes even with organic produce, there are times when I can tell that they are empty in terms of nutritional value. Alma Zen was a major discovery for me to support my attempt for a healthier living. People working at the store seem genuinely passionate about what they do. I can see that they are always trying to provide the best to their customers. They also have good deals for larger purchases, which is a great solution for me, since I am juicing at least four times a week with my current fasting pattern.

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