Journal Entry: November 29th – Dry-Fasting Four Days a Week –

November 29th 2017

Dry-Fasting Four Days a Week

Exactly a week has past by since my last entry. Adding Wednesdays as an extra dry-fasting day has been working out great for me. At the moment I am only eating and drinking on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I think last week was an extremely productive week. In addition to only eating three days a week, I did not eat out once, and I did not consume any products of animal origin since November 18th. My plan is to keep this dry-fasting pattern, and allow myself to eat out maybe every 14 days or so. I am thinking of having some Indian food at Mumbai on Saturday to feed my body with animal protein and various spices they ship directly from India. We’ll see, I’m not %100 sure if I’ll go out this week or wait one more week. Eating only three days a week, and preparing everything at home has been working out really well for me for the past week. This is why I wouldn’t like to change much until my body asks for something different. In  addition to feeling better and doing more things, I have to admit that my current fasting-pattern has been helping my budget a lot. When one eats only three days a week, at home, and raw food, it makes a huge difference on the finances.

De-bourgeois-“fying Myself

I hope it wasn’t too difficult to read that header above, and the idea makes sense to you. Since I’ve started this journey for a healthier living, I was able to give up on several addictions, buy less food, and minimize the purchase of cosmetics . Besides shaving cream, soap,  toothpaste, and dental floss. I don’t spend money in cosmetics anymore. Living in Argentina forces me to not buy any electronic goods other than the ones I needed for my music project.  Since there are heavy taxes on imported goods it makes me think two or three times before I invest money in electronics.  As far as my wardrobe goes, I’ll buy clothes only if it’s a necessity. It has almost been a year since I moved here. So far I’ve purchased five Argentinian made underwear, and a nice looking sweatshirt for a job interview. If my older trunks weren’t falling apart, and I did not get the job interview, I think I’ll be still living fine with my older clothes.

The less I depend on material goods, freer I feel. It’s extremely motivating to be a happier person by purchasing less things and yet not missing anything.

Upsides of Working From Home

Being able to work from home only two days a week has been beneficial so far. It allows me to work long hours, and allows me to not waste valuable time and energy in commuting to work. Dry-fasting on the days I am working keeps the food distraction away and consolidates my activities during the week. Instead of having a week where I would repeat five times the same day, and rest on the remaining two, a different type of weekly schedule emerged on its own thank to my fasting patterns and work schedule. This allows me to only work two days a week to earn money, and I gives me five days to work on my own projects, and learn new skills to be able to do more freelance work later on.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.