Journal Entry: November 30th 2017 – Going into an unexpected healing crisis –

November 30th 2017

Unexpected Healing Crisis

After my last journal entry yesterday by 1:30 PM, I started going into a fairly intense healing crisis. It had not happened this way in a while. I started feeling low in energy. I decided to take it slow. I did a lot of walking. I was able to walk over three hours. I noticed that the middle of my tongue was getting brownish almost grey. As far as I know, this is a sign of the colon detoxifying itself. I used to experience this particular symptom in the early days, during my first fasts, when I used to be a complete beginner as a dry-fasting person. As I progressed with dry-fasting, this particular symptom for the most part disappeared. This made me think that by accumulating dry-fasting sessions, I went trough a complete colon cleanse, and this is the reason why my tongue wasn’t getting brownish in color during dry-fasting anymore. In addition to the visible symptom on my tongue, I also experienced some mild headaches yesterday. This is also something that I used to experience in the early stages of dry-fasting back in April 2016.

Why am I experiencing such symptoms at this particular moment?

I can think of two scenarios: Since I allowed myself some animal origin products for about a month after my nine day dry-fasting period, maybe I am cleansing the nasty things that have been accumulating during the period me consuming cooked animal origin food? This could make sense, since I haven’t been consuming any animal origin products for the past 14 days, and I’ve been dry-fasting four days three to four days a week for the past six weeks or so. My second hypothesis is based on the fact that I have been getting rid of a lot of lymphatic waste material through kidney filtration lately. It could be that with a cleaner and more alkaline lymphatic fluid, my body is now able to go in and do some more in depth cleansing operations. There is maybe a different reason for me experiencing these symptoms, or maybe it’s the results of a combination of different processes occurring at the same time?

Having hard time to fall a sleep during healing crises

I am planning on breaking my fast today. I’ll be dry-fasting tomorrow again, and breaking my fast on Saturday. I was planning on keep on going with this pattern, but I may tweak it a little bit. Last night since I was feeling low in energy, I ended up going to bed at 9:00PM. Then the healing crisis started to occur. I could not fall asleep. I got up at 11:00PM, and stayed up until 2:00AM. I went to bed one more time, and naturally woke up at 8:45AM on my own without the help of an application from my smartphone to wake me up. The only part of dry-fasting I don’t like is to get hyper at bedtime. It doesn’t occur every night, but it does happen quite often when I dry-fast. The good news is that, when I wake up the next morning, even with little sleep, I tend to feel well rested.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.