Journal Entry: December 7th 2017 – Juice-Fast Failure – Lost Opportunity – Getting Fit – Facebook Fast

December 7th 2017

Juice-Fast Failure

After my usual Sunday dry-fast, I got started with a juice-fast on Monday. I wasn’t successful at it. I had a delicious red juice all day long, but around 10:00PM, I started to feel lightheaded and hungry. I decided to listen to my body and not pursue with the juice-fast. As much as I love and feel comfortable with dry-fasting, juice and water fasting do not seem to work for me, at the moment. They make me feel as if I’m always missing something. Whereas with dry-fasting, I feel content and in control.

Lost Opportunity

I experienced a work related setback as well. I was announced last week that my gig as a freelancer was for now suspended until a new project comes along. It’s of course a bad news for me. On the other hand it’s an opportunity to put more time and effort into my blogging and music projects. Since the freelance gig is for now not going to happen, I decided to not fast on Tuesday, and I probably won’t fast on Friday either. Those days were my working days, and dry-fasting on those days worked perfectly well for me. I am only going to keep Sundays as fasting days for now, until my body tells me to go on a new fasting-pattern.

Getting Fit

I’ve started to pick up the pace with working out and running. Maybe it’s time for me to gain back some of the muscular mass I’ve lost and get in better shape. This is why it may be a good thing to fast less days than before. Since yesterday, my kidneys stopped filtering. They had been filtering almost everyday for the past month and a half. After the nine-day dry fast I had in October, my kidneys have been improving tremendously at filtering out cellular waste.

The first idea that comes to my mind as to why my kidneys stopped filtering, is that I reduced the number of days I am dry-fasting within an actual week. How kidney filtration works still remains very mysterious to me. I am getting a good sense of what promotes it, without having the successful formula to make my kidneys filter all the time. Maybe they are not supposed to filter all the time? All I know, is that I was able to get rid of a lot of cellular waste material for the past month and a half, thanks to my kidneys filtering better than before.

It may sound a bit weird, but getting my kidneys to filter regularly may have been my greatest accomplishment for the year 2017. It won’t make me rich or famous, but by filtering that much junk out of my system, I may have in way saved my own life. I am extremely happy about it, and now I feel like I have plenty of energy to get back in good shape and gain back some of the weight I’ve lost during my dry-fasting periods.


It’s been now over two weeks that I have been doing a Facebook-Fast. It’s hard correlate its positive or negative effects to the way I feel. All I know, I really appreciate not having the sensation of wasting my time on Facebook. It also feels like I can invest my mental energy and attention that was going into me being active on Facebook on my own projects, which are way more meaningful to me in the long run. On the other hand, I’ve been experiencing a sensation of loneliness for the past week or so. Since my social life is already quite limited in Buenos Aires at the moment, not using Facebook also means not being  able to interact with friends who live outside of Buenos Aires. I consider myself more of an introvert than a social butterfly. I enjoy good company, but I also love to a great extent to be by myself. The absence of the virtual social life made me realize that I haven’t built much socially in Buenos Aires since I moved here. I would even say that maybe because of social media providing the illusion that I do have plenty of friends, I have been putting less effort into creating new relationships in the non virtual world I currently live in. I think the Facebook-Fast is going to be overall very beneficial for me. I think it goes in the sense of the other fasts that I’ve been doing, and will be one more element to support my journey towards a healthier and happier living.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.