Journal Entry: December 28th 2017 – Traveling into the Unknown

December 28th 2017

Traveling into the Unknown

Despite my journey towards a healthier living being extremely positive so far, I have to admit that it has challenged me in areas where I was not expecting to be challenged. As a result of me changing my life-style, my desires, and the elements that would trigger my motivation have been changing as well. This situation is forcing me to constantly adapt my plans to my current inner-reality, and cope with the consequences of the decisions I took in the past when I wasn’t feeling and thinking the way I think and feel today.

I currently live in a big city in South America, because I initially came here to open a third generation coffee shop and start a new life. Today, I don’t drink coffee anymore, and opening a physical business isn’t in my immediate plans. Living in a big city has more negative effects for my current life-style than positive ones. I am still deeply in love with Buenos Aires. Among big cities, it’s probably one of the few which would support a journey like mine. Living here means enjoying a high number of sunny days throughout the year. It also means having access to beautiful parks with fresh clean air, and organic produce. Despite all the treasures that Buenos Aires has been offering me for the past year, I have the increasing desire to live closer to nature, with less traffic, noise, and people around me. (I just want to make it clear that I don’t have anything against people in general. It’s more the second hand smoking, and electronic device related noise that tend to bring my mood down a bit)

I realize today that my attempt for a healthier living has been having way more consequences than just feeling better and healthier. It seems like it’s changing my entire outlook on life. I am a 100% convinced that it’s for the better. That said, I have to confess that to re-plan my entire life in my current situation which I could describe as financially unsustainable, is a bit daunting.  Since I am not exactly sure where this journey is taking me, I am also not sure how I will feel and think in six months from now. This is why I don’t even know if it’s worth making big changes in my plans at the current moment.

I wanted to share these observations with you, because I think it is important to know that a drastic change in life-style similar to the one I have made, will most likely to have consequences beyond just feeling better and healthier. If I push my analysis a bit further, I start to think that I feel like I am becoming a healthier entity in an urban environment which I perceive as unhealthy. Therefore, I tend to see a lot of elements of the city as annoyances now. Whereas before, they weren’t bothering me as much, or I would see them as elements that makes a big city vibrant and exciting. I think it’s amazing how one can change so much in such a short amount of time. The change I’ve been going through has been for the most part very positive so far, but when going through such transformation, one must have the resources and the creativity to support the adaptation process.

So far this journey for a healthier living has been a constant improvement in the way I feel, but at the same time there are moments that happens to be quite challenging at times. I believe all the different stages I am going through are a part of a bigger process. I have faith in this journey, and I believe that it will eventually take me where I need to be.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.