Journal Entry: January 28th 2018 – Not Feeling All That Amazing

Back to Eating 100% Raw/Plant Based

During the entire week I had all my meals at home. Everything I had was raw, and plant based except for a couple times I had some delicious comb honey. My energy levels were surprisingly low. I also had lower motivation and lower morale than usual. The project I was supposed to start working on got delayed one more week, this definitely affected my overall morale a bit.

Despite eating clean, I haven’t been feeling amazing

During the entire week I’ve been eating as clean as possible, but yet I haven’t been feeling great. I also noticed that my kidneys stopped filtering all together. I had some cellular waste in my urine during my weekly dry-fast on Sunday and Monday, but the rest of the week, my urine was crystal clear. This made me reflect on my current situation and patterns I’ve been following. I’ve been fasting only one day a week for about two months now. I’ve also been alternating periods when I eat 100% raw/plant based diet at home, and periods when I still eat 100% raw/plant based at home in combination with eating out cooked meals. When I go from eating raw to eating cooked meals containing or not animal products, my energy levels tend to sky rocket for a day or two.

When I returned to a 100% raw/plant based diet this week, my energy levels and overall motivation were low. It could be that during the periods when I am eating more traditional cooked food, my metabolism gets boosted and I am actually reaping the benefits of the previous periods when I was eating all raw/plant based. In a similar way when I go back to eating raw/plant based, maybe I am detoxifying from the cooked food containing some animal origin products and other ingredients I have no control over when eating out.

Bench-marking with October

If I compare my overall productivity and energy levels at this very moment with past October when I was working at least 20 hours and dry-fasting three days a week, I can easily say that I have lost some steam. On the positive side of things, I have gained some weight, and I am probably more fit now than I used to be in October, but for the rest, I am not performing as good as I used to. I am thinking of increasing the dry-fasting days during the week. Although it’s a bit challenging to eat 100% raw/plant based, I want to stick to this practice for at least one more week.

I am unable to find the perfect balance yet

I am at a point in my journey where I am having a hard time finding the perfect balance. I’ve been listening to my body as much as I can. Having ups and downs is affecting me negatively. I would like to be at a place where everything feels more steady. I think sticking to a raw/plant based diet and maybe increasing the number of days I am dry-fasting during the week could help my current situation and make me progress in my journey.

Moving Out Again

In about 10 days I’ll be moving once again to a new apartment. Just after moving to my new place, I am going to leave for  Uruguay for a few days.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.