Journal Entry: February 25th 2018 – Salt Flush – No More Cacao – No Perfect Diet

My First Salt Flush

I was able to have a complete raw, plant based, oil free diet this entire week. I prepared all my meals, smoothies, and juices at home. I tried to move my body as much as I could, and I had the opportunity to try a salt flush for the first time. If you are not familiar with salt flushes, it’s the practice of diluting two tea spoons of sea salt (I personally used some Himalayan salt) in a 35oz jar and drinking it in the morning as fast as possible on an empty stomach. This helps cleansing the entire digestive system.

My first attempt was a great success. 20 minutes after swallowing the solution, I went to the bathroom and got rid of a lot of waste. A couple of hours later, I needed to go to the bathroom one more time, and I had a second bowel movement.

The rest of the day I was feeling amazing, with the sensation of gotten rid of a lot of bad toxic stuff that was still stagnant within my digestive system. I felt light and mentally sharper than usual. The next day I had zero bowel movement, and did not feel as good as the day of the salt flush. The following day though, I was feeling fantastic, with a higher levels of physical energy, and the desire to go run, exercise, and ride my bike.

Abstinence from Cacao

One new thing I learned from Rob Stuart this week is that cacao isn’t great for gut health and contains caffeine. I had taken a break for the past five weeks from eating raw sugar free chocolate, but for the past couple of weeks I was putting some cacao in my banana smoothies. Well, this is also something that I am going to quit doing, and see how my body will react to live 100% without cacao.

I am extremely glad that I came across Rob’s videos. Not only I think he has a great point on the negative effects of oils, cacao, and nuts, on gut’s health, also those types of pricier items tend to put some extra weight on my budget. If I can manage to live without purchasing olive oil, cacao, and nuts and have a healthier gut, this will be a great situation to be in for me, where I double win.

Already now, the weeks when I am eating clean I tend to almost not produce any paper or plastic waste. From now on, if I am able to not consume any of those packaged pricier items, I will drastically reduce my budget for groceries, and I will at the same time produce less waste. It’s a great feeling to go to the market with my own bags, and only buy fruits and vegetables for weeks on.

No Diet is 100% Perfect for me Yet

With the diet I have at the moment it makes almost impossible for me to eat out, since my diet is as clean as it can get within my own means. I am not planning on keeping this diet for ever, but rather alternate with the other diets I was able to develop over time. My idea is to use different diets for a certain amount of time to accomplish specific goals, and move on through my journey this way. The major reason behind this, relies in the fact that I haven’t found the perfect diet for myself yet.

At this point it seems to me that all of the diets I have tried, solve some problems, but in the long run they also tend to create their own sets of challenges. For instance, eating raw/plant based whole foods, is probably the the diet that suits me the best. All that said, after usually a three week period, although I am getting great results from this diet at many different levels, I start to slow down a bit mentally, and my body starts craving carbohydrates such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, and animal products such as eggs, meats etc…

This is why until I find the perfect balance, I want to experiment by alternating the different diets I was able to come up with. The idea is to stay longer periods of time on the diets that I judge cleaner and overall healthier for me. This way, over a longer period of time, I will increase the ratio of having cleaner diets. When I look back, this pretty much what happened already since I started this journey. The first eight months I went almost all raw, but later on, I started to alternate, and as the months passed by, I started to quit or reduce major acidifying and addicting foods.

Here is the set of diets I was able to come up with throughout my journey:

  • Weeks when I will eat all raw, plant based, oil and nut free.
  • Weeks when I will eat all plant based, oil free, nut free, and occasionally cooked plant based food
  • Weeks with a vegetarian approach and allowing myself to eat out
  • Weeks with relatively complete freedom, but avoiding the big no’s that I permanently quit such as coffee, alcohol…etc.

A technique that has been working great for me is to eat raw, plant based, oil and nut free at home, no matter what diet I am on. That way, I don’t get into the habit of cooking or introducing animal products into my home. This technique also allows me to eat cleaner on certain days, even though I am on a diet that would allow me more flexibility.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.