Journal Entry: March 11th 2018 – Riding the Good Wave

Keeping it Up

It has been an other amazing week of me feeling great.

  • Dry-fast on Sunday
  • On Monday, I went to this new place named Gratitude on “calle Dorrego” to break my fast. They have some plant based food options, along with delicious juices. Their pricing is on the affordable side, the portions are huge, and the produce they use to prepare the food seem to be of extreme good quality. Although I suspect most of the produce they use to be traditionally grown, the quality offered for the peso is pretty impressive.
  • On Tuesday, I ate at home, pursuing the oil and nut free, raw plant based diet.
  • On Wednesday, I had my third salt flush. OMG! On my two previous salt flush attempts, I only had to go to the bathroom twice at each session. This time around, I actually understood why this practice is called a salt flush. I ended up going to the bathroom seven or eight times. At the end I had the feeling that my entire digestive system was completely emptied out. After the digestive tsunami was over, I felt kind of tired and took a nap for a couple of hours. When I woke up I wasn’t feeling all that great. I made myself a delicious green juice, and went out for a walk to “El Rosedad de Palermo” at sunset. A few minutes after making it to “El Rosedad”, something amazing happened to me internally. I started to experience an unprecedented mind clarity. I ended up walking for about two hours, the weather was perfect and the park beautiful. The combination of the salt flush, the nap, the green juice, and the walk in a beautiful setting, had taken me to a place where I felt extremely serene, in peace, and inspired. I decided to not eat solid food for the rest of the day, so the mind clarity could sustain itself as long as it could.


I made it back home around 9:00PM. I had not taken my phone with me. As I took a look to the screen saver of my smartphone, I saw that I had several messages from the same number. Obviously someone was trying to get a hold of me. It was from a drummer friend of mine who works at an organic grocery store named Fresco. He was trying to reach me to invite me to a jam session. The jam session was scheduled for 10:00PM. I immediately took the opportunity, packed my bass, and my electric guitar and took off for the practice space in Belgrano near “Congreso de Tacuman” area.

The mind clarity I was experiencing definitely augmented the pleasure I later got from playing in a band setting. It had been seven years since last time I played with other musicians. Jamming felt extremely good. That night, I slept better than ever with a huge feeling of satisfaction.

What have I learned today?

This particular day, not only taught me that having a salt flush and not eating solid food for a day could be added as a new practice to my weekly routine, but I also once again realized the importance for me to play music with other people. It’s something beyond just getting pleasure while playing. I feel like each time I have the opportunity to be a part of a satisfying jam session or a live show, my hormonal balance is being affected positively by the whole process. Since playing rock music is something I’ve been doing from the age of 14, I also think that the action of playing,  in a way anchors my unconscious memory with regards to time. I believe this somehow allows the present moment I am experiencing to connect with my deep past.

Eating Out More Regularly

  • On Thursday, I was craving starches, so I went to Gratitude one more time and ordered a salad which contained some sweet potatoes.
  • On Friday, I ate clean at home.
  • On Saturday, I had some cooked food at Buenos Aires Verde late afternoon, and at night a good friend of mine called me, he wanted to go to Mumbai the Indian restaurant on the corner of Bonpland and Honduras. I wasn’t really hungry, but I ended up accepting his invitation since I sensed that it will make him really happy to go there. I ordered a cooked vegetarian dish, I also ordered plain white rice, and I did not have any of their dip sauces nor Nan bread which I suspect them containing sugar, yogurt, and yeast. This morning to my surprise I’ve noticed that my urine was extremely charged with cellular waste. The amount was just unbelievable.

More Findings on Kidney Filtration

I think I have some new findings that could get me a step closer to solve the mystery around kidney filtration. This is the second time over the last seven week period, I have noticed that cleaner I eat, less my kidneys tend to filter. After a period of having a plant based whole food diet, once I suddenly switch to eating cooked food, my kidneys start filtering abundantly. I am not sure if when I switch to eating cooked food, I am getting rid of toxic matter freshly absorbed by eating rich and cooked food, or eating cooked food is boosting my kidneys, and they are finally able to get rid of all the cellular waste accumulated during the detox period when I was eating clean?

Departure on Hold

With the opportunity to play in a band again, I am thinking about delaying my departure from Buenos Aires for at least one more month. Just when I had taken the decision to leave this beautiful but expensive city, the opportunity to do what I love the most in life fell into my laps. I decided to give it a chance, and see how things can evolve. For about several months now, there is a voice inside of me telling me to go closer to the equator. As if to find the true purpose of my life, I need to go there. On a financial level, living in Buenos Aires with my current income coming from my freelancer job won’t be sustainable in the long run. This week, I rented a storage space, to store my belongings in case I decide to leave.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.