Salt Flush 101 – For A Better Monday Style

Salt Flush 101

My History in Terms of Including Regular Salt Flush Sessions into My Life

I started doing salt flushes in February 2018. I’ve done 5 salt flushes at this point. Although the practice is still fairly new to me, the results went beyond my expectations. It has been one of the most spectacular starting points to this date in terms of getting immediate results.

What is a Salt Flush? How to do one?

A salt flush is the action of swallowing water with salt on an empty stomach first thing in the morning in order to cleanse the digestive system. Personally I haven’t been doing it as the very first thing in the morning. I do my Yoga session first, and then do the salt flush.

It is important in my opinion to allow an entire morning for this (4 to 5 hours), not have social commitments, and have an easy access to a bathroom during the entire time. If you are active on the dating scene, definitely do not schedule any date on that day. The procedure is extremely simple:

  • Two tea spoons of sea or Himalayan salt needs to be diluted into a 36oz of drinkable water at room temperature.
  • The mix of salt and water needs to be stirred, until the entire quantity of salt is dissolved into the water. Once the salt is completely dissolved into the water, the solution is ready to be consumed.
  • The solution needs to be swallowed as fast as possible with large gulps. The taste of the solution isn’t horrible, but it doesn’t taste good either. I usually have flashbacks of me swimming in sea water while swallowing the mix.
  • Once the entire solution is consumed, it’s time to relax and wait. I usually do some writing on the computer while I am letting the solution act on my digestive system.

What to Expect

After 20 to 40 minutes of swallowing the solution, an initial bowel movement should be expected. My first three salt flushes were done weekly on Wednesdays. For the first two, I had a total of two bowel movements per session, and the waste coming out varied from solid to softer matter without reaching the point of diarrhea. My third salt flush was pretty intense. I had to go to the bathroom for about eight times. The first couple of bowel movements were also made of solid to softer waste matter, but after that, everything that came out was very liquid. This is when I truly understood why the actual practice is called a salt flush.

The following week I took a break from doing a salt flush. Since the last session had been pretty intense, I wanted to give my body enough time to recuperate. My fourth session was similar to the third one. I did not end up going eight times to the bathroom but five. Again, after getting rid of the waste made of solid matter, the rest was quasi just water coming out. As I am writing this I am in the process of doing my fifth salt flush.

Tuesday Salt Flush

My fourth and fifth salt flush sessions, I scheduled them on Tuesday instead of Wednesday. The reason for this being that, I wanted my slat flush session to be closer to the day I dry-fast. Since I usually break my dry-fast in the afternoon on Mondays, having the salt flush the next day creates an opportunity to evacuate waste resulting from the detox made possible during the dry-fasting period.

Returning to Normality

For about four to five hours after swallowing the solution, things always got back to normal on all of my salt flush sessions. In the afternoon, I could go out and enjoy my day as usual without any problem.

Mind Clarity and Improved Digestion

In terms of mind clarity I’ve experienced great improvements on the day of the salt flush. The next day, I haven’t been noticing anything exceptional in that sense to this date. That said, on the following day of the salt flush, I’ve been having the sensation that I had made some sustainable improvements. I do think that doing salt flushes improved my overall digestion. I have noticed that I am also more measured when it comes to eating. Overall I eat lesser quantities. The sensation of not be satisfied after a meal, and craving for more food diminished considerably.

I am suspecting that by doing the salt flushes, I may have gotten rid of some parasites living in my digestive track. On my third salt flush I did notice worm looking particles in my stool, but it may have been some tomatoes skin residuals or something else. All I know is that the worm looking entities had a reddish color and they were present in abundance. The day before I had also eaten a lot of grapes, it could also be that the outer skin layers of the grapes were not fully digested.

To Get the Most out of a Salt Flush

In order to maximize the benefits of salt flushing, I do dry-fast one day during the week, and I try to consume only liquid food during one day of the week as well. The day of consuming only liquid food could be the day of the salt flush. The actual day will look like this:

  • Salt flush in the morning, and not consuming anything until early afternoon.
  • Have plenty of green juice in the late afternoon
  • And finally, maybe have a simple smoothy at night. I’ve been making mine with:  4 bananas, 1 avocado, a tea spoon of maca root powder and fill up the mixture up to the 1.50 litter mark of my blender. Occasionally I would also add some chia seeds.

Having a raw/plant based whole food diet could also be a big plus in order to support and expand the benefits of a salt flush.

My Conclusion for Now

As I wrote it in the beginning, doing salt flushes is something fairly new for me. It’s been over a month period that I’ve embraced this new practice and decided to add it to my list of starting points for a sustainable change in lifestyle. At this point I can only say good things about it. In a way, I wish I knew about this practice before, but at the same time I think that maybe it came into my life at the right moment. Since I had been doing a lot of dry-fasting, and periods when I would have raw/plant based whole food diet, which certainly helped me in detoxifying my system. And now with the help of salt flushes, I do tend to think that the actual practice is helping me getting rid of the more resilient toxins still present in my body.

I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.