Journal Entry: April 8th 2018 – The End of a Cycle – More Findings on Kidney Filtration

Slightly Changing my Diet

For the past two weeks I’ve been having a hybrid diet. I’ve been juicing six days a week at home, and the rest of the time I’ve been eating at Spring which is an all you can eat vegetarian buffet. This week I have started to reduce the number of times I go to Spring in comparison to the previous weeks and replaced some of my meals at Spring by some mono meals prepared at home. Mono meals of avocado, banana, or grapes tend to work great for me. The days when I’ve been having a juice and a mono meal for the entire day were amazing in terms of the ease in digestion. It almost feels like there’s no digestion.

After a month of including some cooked vegetarian meals to my diet I have the sensation that I am reaching the end of a cycle. Although delicious, I am becoming less exited to eat abundantly at Spring, and most importantly I have lost the great hunger I used to have during the previous weeks. I think it’s time to reduce even more the days I eat at Spring and increase the days I have raw plant based meals at home. The reason why I don’t want to completely stop going to Spring is because during the past month or so I have gained some muscular mass, I feel stronger physically, and my productivity and my desire to do things have been all very high.

The week did not start very well for me

On Mondays Spring is closed, and I was missing produce to make my own juice at home. I went to this place where they have good tasting cold pressed juices named Juice Up. I ended up having three bottles of their delicious green juices. Although their recipes are right on in terms of taste, I think that it’s a shame that they are not using organic produce. I am wondering if having a non organic cold pressed juice does my body more good or bad.

Later that night I started to feel hungry. Since Spring was closed, I decided to go to Mumbai, remembering the times during which I would have long periods of time of eating raw plant based, and once in a while go to this delicious restaurant. Very often it would boost my energy levels and boost my kidneys to filter abundantly the next day. This time around my experience was very different. I ordered a vegetarian dish made of potatoes and spinach. I also had some rice with safran and vegetables, and a garlic nan bread. Everything tasted amazingly good, but I’ve found my food to be overly oily. I don’t think that they have changed anything in the way they prepare the food. It’s probably because I have tremendously reduced the amount of oils from my diet during the past weeks, and now when I am having regular cooked food with oils it’s a bit overwhelming for me.

 The Rest of the Week

Next day I wasn’t feeling as amazing as I had been feeling for the past eight weeks. I decided to do a salt flush. After swallowing the solution with Himalayan salt and water, I had no desire to go to the bathroom for about an hour. I was starting to think that I may not have any bowel movement on this session of doing a salt flush. After the hour had passed by, I finally went to the bathroom for a total of three times. I was able to get rid of a lot of waste. That same night and the following night I ate at Spring. Everything tasted good, but as I mentioned it earlier I wasn’t as enthusiastic about eating out cooked food in abundance as much I used to during the past four weeks or so. I decided to keep it simple for the next couple of days and I only had my home made slow pressed juices, and some mono meals. I started to feel lighter and my energy levels started to rise. On Saturday I went to Spring again, but I tried to not go over the board with the open buffet, and ate moderately. Today is Sunday, I am dry fasting and feeling extremely good. Although I ended up going to bed relatively late last night, I woke up very well rested this morning. For the next week, I am thinking about increasing the number of days eating at home raw plant based, and mostly mono meals.

More Findings on Kidney Filtration

This week my kidneys have pretty much stopped filtering, even the days after me dining at Spring. This situation may be a new finding for me in terms of solving the mystery around kidney filtration. At couple of occasions in my previous journal entries, I have mentioned the fact that my kidneys would stopped filtering when I am eating for long periods of raw plant based food, and as soon as I will eat some rich cooked food they would start to filter abundantly. When this would be occurring It would be difficult for me to tell if I was getting rid of cellular waste and toxins freshly absorbed by eating rich cooked food, or if the the rich cooked food was making my kidneys function in a stronger way and I was actually getting rid of the waste accumulated from the detox period when I had been eating raw plant based food. With what has happened this week I tend to think that the second hypothesis may be closer to what is really going on. This week I ate at four occasions cooked rich food and after none of them my kidneys filtered abundantly the way they had been in the previous weeks.

In order to be able to move forward with this investigation on kidney filtration, I would need to know how kidney filtration works for other individuals, and most importantly I need to have a precise idea on what the norm is. Because maybe our kidneys are supposed to filter each time we go to the bathroom, and there is maybe something wrong with the way my kidneys are functioning.

A Recap on my Kidney Filtration History

Around June 2017 I came across some information on kidney filtration for the very first time. When I first checked my urine I observed that I was not filtering at all. I decided to do everything to make them filter by eating acidic fruits, dry fasting, dry brushing, hot and cold showers. I also started to do some hot compresses on my kidneys. This is when my kidneys started to filter. Since then, my kidneys have been filtering on and off. I have periods when they filter abundantly, and some other times when they don’t. Overall, I feel like I’ve made some tremendous progress, and was able to get rid of a lot of cellular waste since June 2017. All that said, I don’t know if the patterns in my kidney filtration are normal, or if I still have some work to do. I have the feeling that I am constantly learning about kidney filtration, but it still remains for the most part mysterious to me, because I don’t have total control over it. I think that a multitude of factors need to be aligned for my kidneys to be able to filter properly. This multitude in variables is in my opinion what makes it difficult to completely understand how kidney filtration works.

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I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFESSIONAL. I would like to make it very clear that I am only sharing my own experience on this website, and have no intention to give any specific advice on health. Please read the disclaimer section for more information.