Journal Entry: March 25th 2018 – Eight Consecutive Weeks of Feeling Amazing


The past two weeks have been unexpectedly hybrid for me in terms of nutrition. I have discovered a vegetarian “Tenedor Libre” (an all you can eat restaurant) named Spring. They offer a high quality vegetarian dishes for an affordable price. The service is great, the TV is muted, the lighting is soft, the napkins are made of cloth, and the owner is actually working and making sure that the open buffet is well garnished at all times.

Dining at Spring feels more like eating out at a real restaurant than going to a regular “Tenedor Libre”. One of the aspects I like the most about Spring, is the social component. I find it easier to talk to people in a setting were we go get our own food than being in a setting with full on waiting service, where each table happens to be in its own private bubble.Continue reading

Journal Entry: February 4th 2018 – The Perfect Week

All of a sudden I started to feel amazing

It now has been over 14 days that I am solely eating at home a raw plant based diet. I’ve been avoiding nuts as well. This week has been very different than the previous one, since my energy levels, and productivity were high. My morale also got boosted, partially due to the fact that I finally got started on a new work project as a freelancer. I can say that I’ve been quite active this week. Besides working, I had four workout sessions instead of three including a 30 minute jog each time. I went out for a long walk every day from my apartment in Colegiales to the Parque 3 de ferbero. This represents a daily shirtless walk of at least two hours under the sun.Continue reading

Journal Entry: January 28th 2018 – Not Feeling All That Amazing

Back to Eating 100% Raw/Plant Based

During the entire week I had all my meals at home. Everything I had was raw, and plant based except for a couple times I had some delicious comb honey. My energy levels were surprisingly low. I also had lower motivation and lower morale than usual. The project I was supposed to start working on got delayed one more week, this definitely affected my overall morale a bit.

Despite eating clean, I haven’t been feeling amazing

During the entire week I’ve been eating as clean as possible, but yet I haven’t been feeling great. I also noticed that my kidneys stopped filtering all together. I had some cellular waste in my urine during my weekly dry-fast on Sunday and Monday, but the rest of the week, my urine was crystal clear. This made me reflect on my current situation and patterns I’ve been following. I’ve been fasting only one day a week for about two months now. I’ve also been alternating periods when I eat 100% raw/plant based diet at home, and periods when I still eat 100% raw/plant based at home in combination with eating out cooked meals. When I go from eating raw to eating cooked meals containing or not animal products, my energy levels tend to sky rocket for a day or two.Continue reading

Sunbathing 101 – For a Better Monday Style –

Sunbathing 101

Lets Be Careful

Before sharing any of my personal experience regarding sunbathing, I would like to start this post with a word of caution. As with all starting points, one should always introduce change in an adapted way to her reality. I think even more so when it comes to direct exposure to sunlight. This is one of the most mysterious starting points for me, since I am barely starting to understand some of the mechanics and chemistry behind it. Besides the positive effects of sunbathing I’ve been benefiting from, I have no idea of the possible negative consequences. So far, exposing my skin to direct sunlight has done lots of good to me, but who knows maybe in the long run what I am doing could also have some negative effects as well. I decided to take that risk, because the immediate benefits are truly helping me in my journey towards a healthier living. I can only be responsible for myself. If you are planning on exposing your skin to direct sunlight, please take the necessary precautions which are adapted to your own reality.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 25th 2017 – I haven’t done anything for 34 hours!

December 25th 2017

34 Hour Rest

Last week I have been eating everyday except for Sunday. As I am writing this post it’s 1:00PM Monday, and I am still fasting. I usually go about my day regularly while fasting. On this fast I wanted to try something I had not done before. I decided to not do anything at all during my fast: not connect to internet, not work on my blogs, not record music, not touch my cell phone, not read. On Saturday night I was still exhausted from moving all my belongings from the old apartment to the new one by foot. All week I have been eating plenty at home and outside of home. On Saturday, I was able to nourish myself all day. I started fasting on Saturday night/ Sunday Morning around 2:00AM. I went to bed and woke up the next morning, maybe afternoon? Since I wasn’t allowing myself to touch any electronic device, I did not know what time it was.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 20th 2017 – Getting in shape – End of No Facebook – Writing – Living Situation – Compensating -Breathing

December 20th 2017

I am slowly getting back in shape

For the past two weeks I’ve dry-fasted a total number of three days. Two Sundays and one Friday. I have been eating plenty. In addition to my morning yoga, light jogging, and walking activities, I’ve added a bit more physically challenging exercises, and I increased the number of days I go out for a run. I’ve been also using my bike more. My physical activity remains mild, but I feel like I have gained a bit more strength. I am still in the mindset of regeneration, that is why I try to avoid physical activities that may be too taxing for my body. My strategy is to increase my physical activity as my organism is becoming cleaner, more alkaline and  more resilient. I don’t want to steal energy away for regeneration by exercising intensely. Although I think exercising is very beneficial for me, it can also cause fatigue if not adapted to my current situation in terms of my nervous energy capital.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 7th 2017 – Juice-Fast Failure – Lost Opportunity – Getting Fit – Facebook Fast

December 7th 2017

Juice-Fast Failure

After my usual Sunday dry-fast, I got started with a juice-fast on Monday. I wasn’t successful at it. I had a delicious red juice all day long, but around 10:00PM, I started to feel lightheaded and hungry. I decided to listen to my body and not pursue with the juice-fast. As much as I love and feel comfortable with dry-fasting, juice and water fasting do not seem to work for me, at the moment. They make me feel as if I’m always missing something. Whereas with dry-fasting, I feel content and in control.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 1st 2017 – Juice Fasting – Religious Practices as Temporal Filters – Disconnecting – No Cell-Phone Plan

December 1st 2017

Changing My Fasting Pattern

As we start the month of December I have decided to switch gears and change my fasting pattern. For the past month and a half, I’ve been dry-fasting between three to four days a week. During that period the actual pattern helped me in being more productive, and I saw a considerable increase in my kidney filtration abilities. Before getting started with the new pattern I intend to do an intermittent fast today during the day, and eat plenty at night. Tomorrow Saturday, I am planning on eating and drinking plenty as well. On Sunday, I will start a 36 hour dry-fast until Monday afternoon.

Starting Monday I want to introduce the new fasting-pattern. A 100% juice fast. The idea is to only consume juice and coconut oil for x amount of consecutive days. I am planning on avoiding all solid food. I haven’t decided how long I am going to fast this way. As usual I expect my body to guide me. Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 30th 2017 – Going into an unexpected healing crisis –

November 30th 2017

Unexpected Healing Crisis

After my last journal entry yesterday by 1:30 PM, I started going into a fairly intense healing crisis. It had not happened this way in a while. I started feeling low in energy. I decided to take it slow. I did a lot of walking. I was able to walk over three hours. I noticed that the middle of my tongue was getting brownish almost grey. As far as I know, this is a sign of the colon detoxifying itself. I used to experience this particular symptom in the early days, during my first fasts, when I used to be a complete beginner as a dry-fasting person. As I progressed with dry-fasting, this particular symptom for the most part disappeared. This made me think that by accumulating dry-fasting sessions, I went trough a complete colon cleanse, and this is the reason why my tongue wasn’t getting brownish in color during dry-fasting anymore. In addition to the visible symptom on my tongue, I also experienced some mild headaches yesterday. This is also something that I used to experience in the early stages of dry-fasting back in April 2016.Continue reading