Sunbathing 101
Lets Be Careful
Before sharing any of my personal experience regarding sunbathing, I would like to start this post with a word of caution. As with all starting points, one should always introduce change in an adapted way to her reality. I think even more so when it comes to direct exposure to sunlight. This is one of the most mysterious starting points for me, since I am barely starting to understand some of the mechanics and chemistry behind it. Besides the positive effects of sunbathing I’ve been benefiting from, I have no idea of the possible negative consequences. So far, exposing my skin to direct sunlight has done lots of good to me, but who knows maybe in the long run what I am doing could also have some negative effects as well. I decided to take that risk, because the immediate benefits are truly helping me in my journey towards a healthier living. I can only be responsible for myself. If you are planning on exposing your skin to direct sunlight, please take the necessary precautions which are adapted to your own reality.Continue reading