Journal Entry: March 25th 2018 – Eight Consecutive Weeks of Feeling Amazing


The past two weeks have been unexpectedly hybrid for me in terms of nutrition. I have discovered a vegetarian “Tenedor Libre” (an all you can eat restaurant) named Spring. They offer a high quality vegetarian dishes for an affordable price. The service is great, the TV is muted, the lighting is soft, the napkins are made of cloth, and the owner is actually working and making sure that the open buffet is well garnished at all times.

Dining at Spring feels more like eating out at a real restaurant than going to a regular “Tenedor Libre”. One of the aspects I like the most about Spring, is the social component. I find it easier to talk to people in a setting were we go get our own food than being in a setting with full on waiting service, where each table happens to be in its own private bubble.Continue reading

Journal Entry: March 11th 2018 – Riding the Good Wave

Keeping it Up

It has been an other amazing week of me feeling great.

  • Dry-fast on Sunday
  • On Monday, I went to this new place named Gratitude on “calle Dorrego” to break my fast. They have some plant based food options, along with delicious juices. Their pricing is on the affordable side, the portions are huge, and the produce they use to prepare the food seem to be of extreme good quality. Although I suspect most of the produce they use to be traditionally grown, the quality offered for the peso is pretty impressive.
  • On Tuesday, I ate at home, pursuing the oil and nut free, raw plant based diet.
  • On Wednesday, I had my third salt flush. OMG! On my two previous salt flush attempts, I only had to go to the bathroom twice at each session. This time around, I actually understood why this practice is called a salt flush. I ended up going to the bathroom seven or eight times. At the end I had the feeling that my entire digestive system was completely emptied out. After the digestive tsunami was over, I felt kind of tired and took a nap for a couple of hours. When I woke up I wasn’t feeling all that great. I made myself a delicious green juice, and went out for a walk to “El Rosedad de Palermo” at sunset. A few minutes after making it to “El Rosedad”, something amazing happened to me internally. I started to experience an unprecedented mind clarity. I ended up walking for about two hours, the weather was perfect and the park beautiful. The combination of the salt flush, the nap, the green juice, and the walk in a beautiful setting, had taken me to a place where I felt extremely serene, in peace, and inspired. I decided to not eat solid food for the rest of the day, so the mind clarity could sustain itself as long as it could.


I made it back home around 9:00PM. I had not taken my phone with me. As I took a look to the screen saver of my smartphone, I saw that I had several messages from the same number. Obviously someone was trying to get a hold of me.Continue reading

Three Week Challenges 101 – For a Better Monday Style –

Three Week Challenges 101

The Lab

This starting point could be seen as a sort of a laboratory to quit old habits and embrace new ones. The approach of challenging myself into quitting things, or doing things differently from my routine, allows me to experiment and learn more about myself and see how my body functions under different circumstances. The idea is to embrace or quit a habit for at least three weeks. The most important part for me is to approach the challenge period as a game and try to have fun in the process. In this post you’ll find the stories of two challenges which started as three week ones, but the enjoyment I got out of them was such that they ended up lasting a longer period of time. After the stories, I have listed the things I was able to quit temporarily, and the things I was able to quit for good.

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Journal Entry: March 4th 2018 – 15 Days of Eating Raw/Plant Based and Oil Free Food

No Oil Diet

This past week I kept eating raw/plant based oil and nut free until Friday. Which sums up of me eating as clean as I can for about 15 days in a row. I did my second salt flush on Wednesday. On Friday, I allowed myself to eat out at this organic restaurant named Bio. Everything I ate there was plant based, but I had some cooked wild rice and also some whole grain bread.

Increased Energy Levels

I’ve been feeling extremely good every single day of the week, and eating some cooked food on Friday boosted my energy levels even more. During the entire week I was able to exercise three times a day everyday. Continue reading

Journal Entry: February 25th 2018 – Salt Flush – No More Cacao – No Perfect Diet

My First Salt Flush

I was able to have a complete raw, plant based, oil free diet this entire week. I prepared all my meals, smoothies, and juices at home. I tried to move my body as much as I could, and I had the opportunity to try a salt flush for the first time. If you are not familiar with salt flushes, it’s the practice of diluting two tea spoons of sea salt (I personally used some Himalayan salt) in a 35oz jar and drinking it in the morning as fast as possible on an empty stomach. This helps cleansing the entire digestive system.Continue reading

Disconnecting 101 – For a Better Monday Style –

Disconnecting  101

Creating Zones for Disconnection

After near two decades of being exposed to connected technologies, at one point I decided to embrace a certain discipline to allow my brain have some resting time on a regular basis. It all started while I was actually working for a tech company. Communication via e-mail and ticketing systems were an important part of my job. I didn’t mind working overtime when needed. What mattered the most to me at that time, was to know at one point the workday was over. Back then I was working full time.  What tended to tire me the most wasn’t that much the actual work, but the constant state of being connected. I started by deleting my work mailbox from my personal phone. I know this can not always be possible depending on the situation, but for me it actually worked pretty well. My rational was that there was no need for me to access work related information, if I wasn’t going to be able to act on it immediately. That way I was only doing work related activities while I was physically at work. I was often the first one to make it to the office, and last one to leave.  For real emergencies, I could be reached on my cellphone. I was able to work this way for several years. I don’t think anybody actually noticed that I wasn’t accessing work related e-mails outside of work, since I was able to respond to all work related communication in a timely manner.Continue reading

Journal Entry: February 18th 2018 – Feeling Fantastic and Making Progress

Feeling Fantastic

During the past four weeks I had a raw/plant based diet for the first three, and I mostly ate traditional cooked food during the entire fourth week. I’ve been back to a raw/plant based diet for the past couple of days. Today is Sunday and as usual since March 2017 I am dry-fasting on the seventh day of the week. For the past three weeks, I’ve been feeling fantastic. I am waking up naturally around the same time in the morning, with energy and the will to do things. I believe that the three week raw/plant based diet was very beneficial for me, even though during the first week of eating solely raw/plant based I wasn’t feeling all that good. I also think that taking nuts out of my diet has been helping my digestion and boosting my overall energy levels.

Gut and Skin Relationship

Now that I’ve been back to a raw plant based diet I also want as much as I can take all kinds of oils out of my diet. I’ve been following a person named Rob Stuart on YouTube. He was able to overcome serious skin related diseases with change in his diet. Rob seems to be convinced that the skin health is the reflection of the gut’s health. Continue reading

Journal Entry: February 11th 2018: 20 Days of Raw/Plant Based Diet – Trip to Uruguay

20 Days of Raw/Plant Based Diet

I was able to complete a total of 20 days during which I only had a raw plant based diet. During the first week I experienced some lower energy levels, but the overall results I got from this experience were quite astonishing. I was full of energy during the second and third weeks of the three week period. The most spectacular and visible result was that my facial skin quality improved a great deal. I could feel it to be way softer than before. When looking in the mirror or at selfies, I could almost descry an orange colored glow radiating from my skin.

My First Time in Uruguay

On Friday, I had to make a trip to Montevideo in Uruguay. I decided to end the 20 day raw/plant based diet here. After my arrival I was able to find a vegetarian open buffet style restaurant named Espacio Samsara. I had some raw and cooked food. Continue reading

Journal Entry: February 4th 2018 – The Perfect Week

All of a sudden I started to feel amazing

It now has been over 14 days that I am solely eating at home a raw plant based diet. I’ve been avoiding nuts as well. This week has been very different than the previous one, since my energy levels, and productivity were high. My morale also got boosted, partially due to the fact that I finally got started on a new work project as a freelancer. I can say that I’ve been quite active this week. Besides working, I had four workout sessions instead of three including a 30 minute jog each time. I went out for a long walk every day from my apartment in Colegiales to the Parque 3 de ferbero. This represents a daily shirtless walk of at least two hours under the sun.Continue reading

Journal Entry: January 28th 2018 – Not Feeling All That Amazing

Back to Eating 100% Raw/Plant Based

During the entire week I had all my meals at home. Everything I had was raw, and plant based except for a couple times I had some delicious comb honey. My energy levels were surprisingly low. I also had lower motivation and lower morale than usual. The project I was supposed to start working on got delayed one more week, this definitely affected my overall morale a bit.

Despite eating clean, I haven’t been feeling amazing

During the entire week I’ve been eating as clean as possible, but yet I haven’t been feeling great. I also noticed that my kidneys stopped filtering all together. I had some cellular waste in my urine during my weekly dry-fast on Sunday and Monday, but the rest of the week, my urine was crystal clear. This made me reflect on my current situation and patterns I’ve been following. I’ve been fasting only one day a week for about two months now. I’ve also been alternating periods when I eat 100% raw/plant based diet at home, and periods when I still eat 100% raw/plant based at home in combination with eating out cooked meals. When I go from eating raw to eating cooked meals containing or not animal products, my energy levels tend to sky rocket for a day or two.Continue reading