Sunbathing 101 – For a Better Monday Style –

Sunbathing 101

Lets Be Careful

Before sharing any of my personal experience regarding sunbathing, I would like to start this post with a word of caution. As with all starting points, one should always introduce change in an adapted way to her reality. I think even more so when it comes to direct exposure to sunlight. This is one of the most mysterious starting points for me, since I am barely starting to understand some of the mechanics and chemistry behind it. Besides the positive effects of sunbathing I’ve been benefiting from, I have no idea of the possible negative consequences. So far, exposing my skin to direct sunlight has done lots of good to me, but who knows maybe in the long run what I am doing could also have some negative effects as well. I decided to take that risk, because the immediate benefits are truly helping me in my journey towards a healthier living. I can only be responsible for myself. If you are planning on exposing your skin to direct sunlight, please take the necessary precautions which are adapted to your own reality.Continue reading

Journal Entry: January 21st 2018 – The Return of Alma Zen and my Work Opportunity

The Importance of Quality Produce

This week in terms of food intake, I can easily say that I’ve been a bit all over the place. I dry-fasted on Sunday as usual, I ate out on Monday twice. I ate at home on Tuesday and Wednesday %100 raw plant based food. For the rest of the week I combined eating out and eating at home.

Alma Zen, my organic grocer are back from vacation. Although they are out of their arcade in Belgrano, they still do home delivery. I ordered a good amount of fruits and vegetables for the week. By Alma Zen being back in business, I think I learned a great deal about the difference between various products which are sold as organic. As I mentioned in my previous post, even though my current living situation is near perfect at the moment, I had a hard time adjusting to my new place and kick start the new year. One of the elements that had changed in my lifestyle was that people running Alma Zen were on summer vacation. Therefore I couldn’t get access to the produce they bring from the province of Buenos Aires three times a week. After a couple days of juicing and making salads with their produce, I was able to get a part of my energy levels back to where I had left a month ago.Continue reading

Journal Entry: January 14th 2018 – First Journal Entry of 2018

Challenging Start of the New Year

This is my first journal entry of the year. The transition from 2017 to 2018 has been a bit rough for me. I had to move out from my previous apartment a day before Christmas. A day before new year’s eve I was announced that a member of my closest family had been hospitalized since early November. My family did not want to inform me since I am far away with limited resources. Thank to God the situation is back to a more normal state now, and no one is in the hospital anymore. I’ve also been experiencing other types of family related issues, with different members of my family. I don’t want to share the details here, but both situations have been affecting my morale in a very negative way for the past weeks.

I’ve been having a hard time adapting to a more comfortable environment.

It took me almost three weeks to adapt to my new living situation. It’s very intriguing to me, because my current place is so much more comfortable than the previous place I lived in. Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 28th 2017 – Traveling into the Unknown

December 28th 2017

Traveling into the Unknown

Despite my journey towards a healthier living being extremely positive so far, I have to admit that it has challenged me in areas where I was not expecting to be challenged. As a result of me changing my life-style, my desires, and the elements that would trigger my motivation have been changing as well. This situation is forcing me to constantly adapt my plans to my current inner-reality, and cope with the consequences of the decisions I took in the past when I wasn’t feeling and thinking the way I think and feel today.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 27th 2017 – News on the Kidney Filtration Situation

December 27th 2017

Some New Observations on Kidney Filtration

As I already mentioned it in my journal entry of December 20th, my kidneys had stopped filtering during my move from my old apartment to the new one. I took two and a half days to move, because I wanted to transport all my belongings by foot. Friday night the move was over. Saturday morning I did the check out from the old apartment, and had a day during which I was able to eat plenty of food. Sunday was my dry-fasting day. I decided to do a complete fast, where I kept from doing any intellectual work, and interact with electronic devices. In addition, I had plenty of sleep along with a great opportunity to sunbath on the roof of the building where I currently live.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 25th 2017 – I haven’t done anything for 34 hours!

December 25th 2017

34 Hour Rest

Last week I have been eating everyday except for Sunday. As I am writing this post it’s 1:00PM Monday, and I am still fasting. I usually go about my day regularly while fasting. On this fast I wanted to try something I had not done before. I decided to not do anything at all during my fast: not connect to internet, not work on my blogs, not record music, not touch my cell phone, not read. On Saturday night I was still exhausted from moving all my belongings from the old apartment to the new one by foot. All week I have been eating plenty at home and outside of home. On Saturday, I was able to nourish myself all day. I started fasting on Saturday night/ Sunday Morning around 2:00AM. I went to bed and woke up the next morning, maybe afternoon? Since I wasn’t allowing myself to touch any electronic device, I did not know what time it was.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 22nd 2017 – Moving with Romance

December 22nd 2017


I am in the process of moving into a new place. I decided to move all my belongings by foot from the old apartment to the new one. At first I wasn’t sure if it will be a total waste of time, or on the contrary this out of the ordinary little adventure could make me experience something different. The new and old apartments are 1.1 km / 0.7 mile apart from one an other. The distance separating the two places represents about 15 min of walk. So far I’ve made seven trips back and forth. I have 90% of my belongings in the new apartment already. Today I am going to clean the old apartment so I can do the check out with the old landlord, and recuperate my deposit tomorrow. The new apartment is excellent. It’s not facing the street. I was able to sleep like a baby for the past couple of nights.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 20th 2017 – Getting in shape – End of No Facebook – Writing – Living Situation – Compensating -Breathing

December 20th 2017

I am slowly getting back in shape

For the past two weeks I’ve dry-fasted a total number of three days. Two Sundays and one Friday. I have been eating plenty. In addition to my morning yoga, light jogging, and walking activities, I’ve added a bit more physically challenging exercises, and I increased the number of days I go out for a run. I’ve been also using my bike more. My physical activity remains mild, but I feel like I have gained a bit more strength. I am still in the mindset of regeneration, that is why I try to avoid physical activities that may be too taxing for my body. My strategy is to increase my physical activity as my organism is becoming cleaner, more alkaline and  more resilient. I don’t want to steal energy away for regeneration by exercising intensely. Although I think exercising is very beneficial for me, it can also cause fatigue if not adapted to my current situation in terms of my nervous energy capital.Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 7th 2017 – Juice-Fast Failure – Lost Opportunity – Getting Fit – Facebook Fast

December 7th 2017

Juice-Fast Failure

After my usual Sunday dry-fast, I got started with a juice-fast on Monday. I wasn’t successful at it. I had a delicious red juice all day long, but around 10:00PM, I started to feel lightheaded and hungry. I decided to listen to my body and not pursue with the juice-fast. As much as I love and feel comfortable with dry-fasting, juice and water fasting do not seem to work for me, at the moment. They make me feel as if I’m always missing something. Whereas with dry-fasting, I feel content and in control.Continue reading