Journal Entry: December 1st 2017 – Juice Fasting – Religious Practices as Temporal Filters – Disconnecting – No Cell-Phone Plan

December 1st 2017

Changing My Fasting Pattern

As we start the month of December I have decided to switch gears and change my fasting pattern. For the past month and a half, I’ve been dry-fasting between three to four days a week. During that period the actual pattern helped me in being more productive, and I saw a considerable increase in my kidney filtration abilities. Before getting started with the new pattern I intend to do an intermittent fast today during the day, and eat plenty at night. Tomorrow Saturday, I am planning on eating and drinking plenty as well. On Sunday, I will start a 36 hour dry-fast until Monday afternoon.

Starting Monday I want to introduce the new fasting-pattern. A 100% juice fast. The idea is to only consume juice and coconut oil for x amount of consecutive days. I am planning on avoiding all solid food. I haven’t decided how long I am going to fast this way. As usual I expect my body to guide me. Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 30th 2017 – Going into an unexpected healing crisis –

November 30th 2017

Unexpected Healing Crisis

After my last journal entry yesterday by 1:30 PM, I started going into a fairly intense healing crisis. It had not happened this way in a while. I started feeling low in energy. I decided to take it slow. I did a lot of walking. I was able to walk over three hours. I noticed that the middle of my tongue was getting brownish almost grey. As far as I know, this is a sign of the colon detoxifying itself. I used to experience this particular symptom in the early days, during my first fasts, when I used to be a complete beginner as a dry-fasting person. As I progressed with dry-fasting, this particular symptom for the most part disappeared. This made me think that by accumulating dry-fasting sessions, I went trough a complete colon cleanse, and this is the reason why my tongue wasn’t getting brownish in color during dry-fasting anymore. In addition to the visible symptom on my tongue, I also experienced some mild headaches yesterday. This is also something that I used to experience in the early stages of dry-fasting back in April 2016.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 29th – Dry-Fasting Four Days a Week –

November 29th 2017

Dry-Fasting Four Days a Week

Exactly a week has past by since my last entry. Adding Wednesdays as an extra dry-fasting day has been working out great for me. At the moment I am only eating and drinking on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I think last week was an extremely productive week. In addition to only eating three days a week, I did not eat out once, and I did not consume any products of animal origin since November 18th. My plan is to keep this dry-fasting pattern, and allow myself to eat out maybe every 14 days or so. I am thinking of having some Indian food at Mumbai on Saturday to feed my body with animal protein and various spices they ship directly from India. We’ll see, I’m not %100 sure if I’ll go out this week or wait one more week. Eating only three days a week, and preparing everything at home has been working out really well for me for the past week. This is why I wouldn’t like to change much until my body asks for something different. In  addition to feeling better and doing more things, I have to admit that my current fasting-pattern has been helping my budget a lot. When one eats only three days a week, at home, and raw food, it makes a huge difference on the finances.Continue reading


Exercising –

Not 101

I did not want to name this starting point Exercising 101. One, because I think that exercising is already way more accepted and integrated to the western culture than the other starting points on this blog. Two, what I actually have been doing as physical exercise, has been out there for several years, if not decades already. I think the added value I can bring as far as exercising goes, lies in the approach of finding the most appropriate way of exercising for oneself. In addition, observing the exercise sessions  as sort of a metrics to evaluate how other starting points are affecting the body.Continue reading

Coffee Quit Me

7 years agoAli

Coffee Quit Me

The unexpected and the unthinkable happened to me. I don’t drink coffee anymore! Coffee used to be my daily gasoline, as well as a true passion of mine on which I was planning on building my future career as an entrepreneur. Besides working in  Coffee Shops while I was living in San Diego, I recently moved from Switzerland to Argentina with the plan to open a third generation coffee shop, here in Buenos Aires.

As I am writing this, I am probably done with coffee for good. Since I don’t impose strict rules upon myself, I still keep the door slightly open. Who knows, maybe one day I may get back on the coffee track, but for now I feel better without my old addiction. I am amazed how I got myself to quit coffee without even trying. I was actually planning on keeping coffee as one of my last not so healthy habits.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 22nd 2017 – New Fasting Pattern – Filtering Kidneys – No More Coffee –

November 22nd 2017

Introducing a Fourth Day to my Weekly Dry-Fasting Pattern

For the past month or so I’ve been fasting on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays. I decided to introduce one extra day. Today is Wednesday and I am not going to break my dry-fast until tomorrow Thursday. The three day weekly fasting has been working great for me. As I often mention it throughout this blog, from what I’ve been experiencing so far, the human body does not seem to like the routine too much. In addition, during the days I am eating I have been eating way too much. While fasting three days a week, Wednesdays and Thursdays have been the only consecutive days during which I have been eating two days in a row. Eating a massive amount of food on two consecutive days has been slowing me down a bit on several occasions. Now I want to see what will happen with me introducing Wednesday as an extra dry-fasting day. If it works well for me, I may keep things this way, or pick a different extra day of the week. Adding Saturdays could be interesting, since it will allow me to dry-fast three consecutive days during the week.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 20th 2017 – Eating Raw, Eating Cooked – Facebook-Fast – Moving Out Soon

November 20th 2017

Alternating Raw and Cooked Food

It has now been over a month that I’ve been allowing myself some cooked food containing animal products. At home I’ve been eating quasi all raw except for quinoa. I’ve been eating out about three times a week for the last month. I was able to eat some red meat and seafood. My favorite restaurant for the month has been Mumbai, preparing to perfection some northern Indian dishes. I truly have been enjoying every bite of their food. Since eating more traditionally cooked food, I’ve been always feeling good the next day. I even think that having some animal origin food and Indian spices have been boosting my overall energy levels.Continue reading

Raw Food 101 – For a Better Monday Style

Raw Food 101

My Personal Background in regard to Raw Food

Switching to a raw diet was the very first step I took in my attempt for a healthier living. In April 2016 I considerably increased the amount of raw food in my diet. I never went 100%, but for the first eight months straight, I ate about 95% raw. I was even eating meat and eggs raw. In addition to eat uncooked food, I also quit dairy products, cereals, processed sugars and alcohol. After the initial eight month period, I started to occasionally consume dairy products, and cooked food, but with alcohol, I haven’t consume any since then. I would not recommend to quit everything at once the way I did, but rather approach change progressively. Today (Nov 2017) I am eating for about 75% raw. I think having a diet made of higher percentage of raw food is probably the main pillar of the sustainable change I was able to make.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 12th 2017 – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday Dry-Fasting Pattern –

November 12th 2017

Like a Metronome

My current weekly dry-fasting pattern has been acting like metronome on my life lately. I’ve been dry-fasting on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I’m working from home on two of the dry-fasting days: Tuesdays and Fridays. I am producing for about 10 to 12 hours of pure work per working day. Since I am on a freelancer contract, I only take into account the hours when I am actually in front of the computer working. In terms of food intake, it has been a mix of me preparing raw vegetarian food at home, and going out to eat traditionally cooked food.Continue reading

Dry-Fasting 101 – For A Better Monday Style

Dry-Fasting 101

What is dry-fasting?

Before getting started, I thought it would be a good idea to give you my definition of dry-fasting. When I dry-fast, I don’t eat any food nor I drink any liquid. In addition, I don’t brush my teeth, and try to reduce as much as I can the number of time I wash my hands and take showers. Even though dry-fasting can sound as something extreme, I personally find it way easier than water or juice-fasting.Continue reading