Journal Entry: October 13th 2017- 9 Day Dry-Fasting Challenge – Day 6/9

October 13th 2017

Day 6

I am on the sixth day of my nine-day dry-fasting attempt. I went to bed early last night, but still woke up later than usual. In terms of clarity of mind, I’ve been feeling great today, but physically I’ve been feeling a bit weak and slow. It was a perfect day for doing some reading, and slow walking. I started to feel tiny aches where some of my muscles are attached to my bones, especially at the level of my calves. I think it probably comes from the lack of liquid intake, this results in the body pulling water from wherever it can. I am getting excited, as I am approaching my record of seven and a half day of dry-fasting. I am really curious to experience the eighth and the ninth day. My capacity to adapt to dry-fasting has improved to the point where, I haven’t been feeling thirsty or hungry at all so far.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 12th 2017- 9 Day Dry-Fasting Challenge – Day 5/9

October 12th 2017

Dry-fasting at its Best!

Today the weather has been terrible, but I’ve been feeling fantastic. I’ve been having such a great mental clarity since the moment I woke up. I started the day with my daily yoga session. I then managed to be productive for seven hours straight. I didn’t even see the time passing by. In order to get some fresh air and get my lymphatic fluid moving, I went out for a two hour walk. I walked from home to the lake in “Parque 3 de Febrero”, and then walked around lake to do a complete “tour du lac”. It was windy and  a bit chilly, but the best part was that beside few “uber-motivated” joggers, there was no-one at the park at all. I was able to read  few chapters of the Stephen King novel I recently started:“The Stand”.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 11th 2017- 9 Day Dry-Fasting Challenge – Day 4/9

October 11th 2017

Day 4

I am on my fourth day attempting a nine day dry-fast. The first three days of my fast just felt like regular working days. This is why I am  only starting with my journal entries today. During the nine day dry-fasting period, I decided to not set on my alarm clock, and wake up naturally. This resulted in me, sleeping a bit longer than usual. This morning, I am feeling a bit slow cognitively. During my yoga session, I was feeling weaker than in previous days. I ended up keeping the session a bit shorter than usual, avoiding the more physically challenging exercises.  From the moment I have started to write and do more intellectual work, I started to feel well rested, and ready for a productive day.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 8th – The Week Before my Nine-day Dry-fast Attempt

October 8th 2017

First Half of the Week Before the Big Jump

This week, I was able to eat plenty before starting my nine day dry-fast. I broke my 36 hour dry-fast on Monday. I had green juice, and ate raw that day. On Tuesday I also had some green juice and some fruits and nuts. I am currently taking a night class which starts at 7:00PM. During class I was in a state of almost enlightenment. My senses were sharp, I could focus well, and understand everything that the professor was saying (in Argentinian Castellano: which is probably one of the most difficult types of Spanish to understand for a foreigner like myself). It’s a 3 hour class, and this time around, the time went by really fast.  I enjoyed the class more that the previous ones. Since it was the week when I wanted to eat more than usual, so I can prepare myself for the 9 day dry-fasting. I decided to go to Buenos Aires Verde after class and have a late dinner. This is one thing I love about Buenos AIres. One can go out for dinner at 23:00PM or midnight during a week day.  I ordered a quinoa risotto. I was expecting something lighter because the dish had quinoa, but it ended up being a full on cooked meal. Wednesday and Thursday I kept going with green juicing.Continue reading

Journal Entry: September 30th 2017 -The Last Week of Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week

September 30th 2017

Fasting Pattern Debriefing

I’ve been on a six week pattern of not eating solid food for the first half of the week, and eating in the second half. The first couple of weeks I was dry fasting Sundays Mondays and Tuesdays, and eating the rest of the week. I then slightly modified the pattern by green juice fasting on Tuesdays and a the first portion of Wednesday, having my first solid food of the week on Wednesday nights. I feel like the whole period was very beneficial. I felt improvements in my well being throughout the period, and also my productivity increased significantly. It was in a way having the best of the two worlds of fasting and not fasting. I did not have major healing crises, or tiredness. I was also able to maintain my weight. One of the challenges I’m facing at the moment with all the dry fasting I’ve been doing for the past months, is me loosing a lot of weight. My pants look a bit funny on me at the moment. If it wasn’t for having my belt on, I wouldn’t be able to wear them. Now my plan is to switch gears a bit. For the past days I’ve been eating cooked food along with my everyday juicing. I want to finish the week by eating out tonight at Buenos Aires Verde. Tomorrow (Sunday) I’m planning on dry-fasting as usual, then from Monday to Saturday, I’m planning on eating in a diversified way. Meaning eating raw, but also maybe have some fish or meat at one point.Continue reading

Journal Entry: September 21st 2017 – Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week V

September 21st 2017

Reaping the Benefits of The Half a Week Fasting Pattern

This week has been great so far. Having my last meal on a Saturday, dry fasting Sunday Monday, green-juice fasting on Tuesday, intermittent green juice fasting on Wednesday with the first solid meal in the afternoon. Today is Thursday, I had a green juice around 2:00PM, and ate some dried fruits and nuts. I’ve been feeling amazing lately. I’ve been in a calm and productive mood for the most part. There seem to be less of wasted time during my day.  I’ve been enjoying the luxury of being involved only in things that I’m passionate about for the past couple of months. The fasting pattern I’ve been on for five weeks now, has been acting as an enhancer of me feeling great .Continue reading

Journal Entry: September 16th 2017 – Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week IV

September 16th 2017

Dry and Juice Fasting Half of the Week

This past week was very similar to the previous one in terms fasting. Sunday and Monday were complete dry-fasting days, juice-fast on Tuesday. I had an intermittent dry- fast until mid-afternoon on Wednesday, then I made a green juice. I started to eat solid food on Wednesday in the late afternoon. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I’ve been juicing and eating regularly. Knowing that I always try not to eat or drink in the mornings. It’s been more or less four weeks now that I’ve been fasting the first half of the week and nourishing myself during the second half. There has been slight variations from week to week of course. Last Saturday I allowed myself to eat out at a place called Buenos Aires Verde which is a health conscious restaurant. I was feeling a bit cold, and achy. That’s why I decided to have a miso soup, and a vegetarian version of a traditional South-American comfort dish called Locro. I immediately felt better, and ended up recovering from feeling achy the next day.Continue reading

Journal Entry: September 7th 2017 – I’m feeling like a well-oiled machine

September 7th 2017

 I’m feeling like a well-oiled machine.

I haven’t eaten outside of home for the past 12 days. This week I did a dry-fast for 58 hours. To break my fast I had some lemon juice followed by a litter of home made green juice. I did not eat anything solid for 24 hours. The next day, I made the same juice, and drank about the same quantity of that delicious home made green juice. On both days I had about four table spoons of organic coconut oil after finishing my green juice. Later in the afternoon I ate a very simple fruit salad made with organic bananas, grapefruit and shredded dried coconut. For dinner, I prepared some avocado “maki” rolls. Later on that night, I made some hazelnut milk. Before going to bed I had a jar of hazelnut banana milkshake, by blending the hazelnut milk with an organic banana.Continue reading

Journal Entry: August 29th – Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week II

August 29th 2017

Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week II

Tonight I’m finishing up my third day of dry-fasting. As I mentioned in the previous post, I’m trying to to do the same three consecutive days of dry-fasting as I did last week. Only this time, I won’t be eating out at all. This week has been pretty amazing so far in terms of productivity. On Sunday I was still digesting the cooked Peruvian food I had as my last meal on Saturday. On Sunday night I slept about 12 hours. I felt pretty guilty waking up late, but then I had such clarity of mind and mental energy, which made me feel better about my time investment in sleep. The following night I was feeling a bit hyper at bed time. I stayed about three hours in bed without being able to fall asleep. I got up around 3:00AM. I did some work on the computer. Then went back to bed around 4:00AM. Woke up at 7:30AM. Since then I’ve been busy doing things. It’s so liberating to not have to worry about food. I can do things all day. I have been keeping busy these days by recording music, building my band’s website/ blog, working on this blog, getting interviewed for jobs, and taking one class at the university. In about two days, I have a fourth round of interviews for a job opportunity. If I get it, it’s going to be an interesting experience for this blog.Continue reading

Journal Entry: August 27th – Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week I

August 27th 2017

Fasting Three Consecutive Days a Week I

I was able to increase my productivity this week. I ended up dry-fasting for three and a half days (for about 90 hours to be more exact – From Saturday night to Wednesday afternoon). On Wednesday and Thursday I’ve only eating raw food prepared at home. On Friday I went out and had a raw dish at Buenos Aires Verde.  Last night, my last meal of the week was some cooked fish in shrimp sauce at the Peruvian restaurant La Conga.Continue reading