Journal Entry: January 21st 2018 – The Return of Alma Zen and my Work Opportunity

The Importance of Quality Produce

This week in terms of food intake, I can easily say that I’ve been a bit all over the place. I dry-fasted on Sunday as usual, I ate out on Monday twice. I ate at home on Tuesday and Wednesday %100 raw plant based food. For the rest of the week I combined eating out and eating at home.

Alma Zen, my organic grocer are back from vacation. Although they are out of their arcade in Belgrano, they still do home delivery. I ordered a good amount of fruits and vegetables for the week. By Alma Zen being back in business, I think I learned a great deal about the difference between various products which are sold as organic. As I mentioned in my previous post, even though my current living situation is near perfect at the moment, I had a hard time adjusting to my new place and kick start the new year. One of the elements that had changed in my lifestyle was that people running Alma Zen were on summer vacation. Therefore I couldn’t get access to the produce they bring from the province of Buenos Aires three times a week. After a couple days of juicing and making salads with their produce, I was able to get a part of my energy levels back to where I had left a month ago.Continue reading

Journal Entry: January 14th 2018 – First Journal Entry of 2018

Challenging Start of the New Year

This is my first journal entry of the year. The transition from 2017 to 2018 has been a bit rough for me. I had to move out from my previous apartment a day before Christmas. A day before new year’s eve I was announced that a member of my closest family had been hospitalized since early November. My family did not want to inform me since I am far away with limited resources. Thank to God the situation is back to a more normal state now, and no one is in the hospital anymore. I’ve also been experiencing other types of family related issues, with different members of my family. I don’t want to share the details here, but both situations have been affecting my morale in a very negative way for the past weeks.

I’ve been having a hard time adapting to a more comfortable environment.

It took me almost three weeks to adapt to my new living situation. It’s very intriguing to me, because my current place is so much more comfortable than the previous place I lived in. Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 2nd 2017 – Eating Abundantly – Soccer Addiction – The Facebook Dilemma

November 2nd 2017

Plunge into a Cheat-Meal Spree

Yesterday I was planning on breaking my 40 hour dry-fast around 3:00PM. I was able to get some work done in the morning, then I went to the “Barrancas de Belgrano “to sunbath and read. I knew I was going to break my fast soon, but I did not know with what type of food yet. I usually break my fast  with slow-pressed home made juices. Since it was a short fast, and lately I had been experimenting with new approaches to break my fast, I wanted to change a bit. The raw vegetarian option was to go to Buenos Aires Verde and have a salad from the menu of the day. If I were to allow myself some animal origin food, having  some seafood was the second option that came to my mind. Few days earlier I had spotted a Peruvian restaurant in “Barrio Chino” specialized in ceviches. The actual place is called Lucumma. I thought raw seafood to break my fast could be an interesting approach. They had a ceviche lunch menu combo, which seemed perfect for the situation. Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 25th 2017 – New Fasting Pattern – Local Organic Produce from Hudson

October 25th 2017

New Job, New Fasting Pattern

After the nine-day dry-fast I fed my body with liquids for a day and a half. The following three days I allowed myself to have solid food along with the daily juices.  Next, I did a 36 hour dry-fast, ate for one day, and now I’m finishing an other 36 hour dry-fast. My initial idea was to try to alternate fasting and non-fasting days. I was curious to see the effects on my productivity, and overall body weight. I mentioned in earlier journal entries how much weight I had lost due to dry-fasting. In April 2016 my wight was of 85 kg. /187lbs. Today I weight 64 kg. /141 lbs. By fasting more regularly, and for shorter periods of time, I am hoping to maintain, and gain some weight. The biggest challenge I can see so far in doing shorter fasts, is to find a system where I can keep my produce fresh, and purchase the right amount of produce to minimize waste.

Today I came up with a slightly different idea for my new fasting pattern. As of yesterday I started a regular freelancer job. I am going to be working Tuesdays and Fridays. Yesterday’s shift was over 12 hours and I was dry-fasting the entire day. Each day I’ll be working, I need to deliver my work at the end of the day. Not being distracted by food on those days, can give me a considerable edge on delivering on time and producing better quality work. This is why I decided to keep my regular habit of fasting on Sundays, and add Tuesdays and Fridays in order to form a new dry-fasting pattern. That way, I will be pretty close to a pattern of alternating  fasting and non-fasting days.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 18th 2017 – The After Breaking my Fast –

October 18th 2017

The After Breaking my Fast

It has been 34 hours since I’ve broken my nine day dry-fast. The post-fasting experience has been quite different and more challenging than the previous fasting experiences I had so far. I’ve been eliminating huge amount of cellular waste through urination. My urine has been extremely charged. At the end of my previous fasts I also experienced similar situations, but this time around, not only the amount of waste was considerable, but also my kidneys have been able to filter every single time I’ve been going to the bathroom.  I did not have any solid food so far. I’ve been running on freshly extracted juices. I went through at least 20 lemons, since I’ve broken my fast. I was finally able to find some organic ones at Alma Zen. In addition to the lemon juice, I prepared this pretty intense, yet extremely delicious green juice.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 8th – The Week Before my Nine-day Dry-fast Attempt

October 8th 2017

First Half of the Week Before the Big Jump

This week, I was able to eat plenty before starting my nine day dry-fast. I broke my 36 hour dry-fast on Monday. I had green juice, and ate raw that day. On Tuesday I also had some green juice and some fruits and nuts. I am currently taking a night class which starts at 7:00PM. During class I was in a state of almost enlightenment. My senses were sharp, I could focus well, and understand everything that the professor was saying (in Argentinian Castellano: which is probably one of the most difficult types of Spanish to understand for a foreigner like myself). It’s a 3 hour class, and this time around, the time went by really fast.  I enjoyed the class more that the previous ones. Since it was the week when I wanted to eat more than usual, so I can prepare myself for the 9 day dry-fasting. I decided to go to Buenos Aires Verde after class and have a late dinner. This is one thing I love about Buenos AIres. One can go out for dinner at 23:00PM or midnight during a week day.  I ordered a quinoa risotto. I was expecting something lighter because the dish had quinoa, but it ended up being a full on cooked meal. Wednesday and Thursday I kept going with green juicing.Continue reading