Journal Entry: October 18th 2017 – The After Breaking my Fast –

October 18th 2017

The After Breaking my Fast

It has been 34 hours since I’ve broken my nine day dry-fast. The post-fasting experience has been quite different and more challenging than the previous fasting experiences I had so far. I’ve been eliminating huge amount of cellular waste through urination. My urine has been extremely charged. At the end of my previous fasts I also experienced similar situations, but this time around, not only the amount of waste was considerable, but also my kidneys have been able to filter every single time I’ve been going to the bathroom.  I did not have any solid food so far. I’ve been running on freshly extracted juices. I went through at least 20 lemons, since I’ve broken my fast. I was finally able to find some organic ones at Alma Zen. In addition to the lemon juice, I prepared this pretty intense, yet extremely delicious green juice.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 17th 2017- Breaking my 9-day Dry-Fast – Day 10/9

October 17th 2017

Last Hours

Today is the day I am going to break my nine day dry-fast. In exactly one hour it’s going to be 216 hours that I haven’t had a drop of water nor solid food. I wasn’t planning on breaking the fast right at the 216 hour mark, but I just woke up naturally early this morning. It’s 3:00 AM now.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 16th 2017- 9 Day Dry-Fasting Challenge – Day 9/9

October 16th 2017

24 Hours to Go

Today is the ninth and last day of my nine-day dry-fasting attempt. I will be breaking my fast tomorrow morning, so I still have 24 hours to go. Yesterday was a beautiful Sunday in Buenos Aires. I was able to sunbath, walk, and read for hours. Later on at night, I decided to go see an Argentine movie called Zama. After the movie was over, and I made it back home, my batteries seemed to be recharged with so much energy, that I was able to stay up until 4:00AM and do some work.Continue reading