Understanding Physiological Principles – For A Better Monday Style

Understanding Physiological Principles

My Understanding of The Big Picture

As of May 2018, it has now been exactly 25 months that I have started this journey as an attempt to change my lifestyle for a healthier one. To make this wonderful journey possible, I used several different practices that I named starting points. I also like to refer to them as seeds for change, in order to express the idea of a small habit being able to grow over time into something that can make a huge difference in our lives. Call them starting points or seeds for change, I believe that all these practices I’ve been embracing, have ended up being extremely beneficial for me in order to grow into a healthier person. There is one in particular, I believe it to be a bit different and possibly the most important one. This one consists of understanding some of the most important the physiological principles of the human body.

Learning more about the physiological mechanisms of my body not only has been helping me to to be more knowledgeable on the subject, but more importantly, it has been a tremendous motivating factor to embrace and sustain my starting point practices. This knowledge has been helping me in understanding the role these practices play in the big picture of my body healing itself and becoming a healthier and better performing entity. In this post I am going to try to explain in my own words my understanding of how I believe the lymphatic system works.

The Cell

The human body is made of an extremely large number of cells. These cells have a number of needs in order to stay healthy and accomplish the work they need to to. They need to be nourished, and since they all fulfill a function and perform tasks, they produce waste. They are in a way a minuscule version of ourselves. Cells have membranes, and its through these membranes that the exchange with the outside environment is made possible. In order for the cell to be able to evacuate the produced waste, the outer environment of the cell needs to be more alkaline in pH than its inner environment. In other words, if the outer environment is more acidic, then it becomes very difficult for the cell to evacuate its waste material. Consequently, not being able to evacuate waste material could result in having all kinds of problems at the cell level first. From there, an entire group of cells, then a whole organ could be negatively impacted and this situation can turn into what is commonly called a disease in the modern western medical lexicon.Continue reading

Breathing 101 – For A Better Monday Style

Breathing 101

My Personal History in Consciously Breathing

My very first encounter with breathing techniques, occurred while I was taking a singing class during the mid 90s. Learning how to breath may have or not helped my singing abilities, but I believe something more important as a consequence of this happened. During the same time period, I had started to turn into a mellower person from my more hyperactive initial nature. I’m not sure how much of it was due to the natural hormonal transition as I was leaving my teenage years, and how much of it was due to me learning how to breathe. One thing is certain, I did change and become a calmer person. I also went from mostly playing and listening to Trash and Heavy Metal to Post-Rock.

Consciously breathing was brought to my attention again, not long ago during a Yoga class I took with Fabio Filippi. Prior to the Yoga class, when we first met in the Bains des Pâquis in 2016, we had a little conversation about detoxifying the body. I remember him saying something like “Detox is all about breathing”. It did not make much sense to me back then, but today with the knowledge I have accumulated on how our sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system work, I understand better what he probably meant.Continue reading

Journal Entry: February 18th 2018 – Feeling Fantastic and Making Progress

Feeling Fantastic

During the past four weeks I had a raw/plant based diet for the first three, and I mostly ate traditional cooked food during the entire fourth week. I’ve been back to a raw/plant based diet for the past couple of days. Today is Sunday and as usual since March 2017 I am dry-fasting on the seventh day of the week. For the past three weeks, I’ve been feeling fantastic. I am waking up naturally around the same time in the morning, with energy and the will to do things. I believe that the three week raw/plant based diet was very beneficial for me, even though during the first week of eating solely raw/plant based I wasn’t feeling all that good. I also think that taking nuts out of my diet has been helping my digestion and boosting my overall energy levels.

Gut and Skin Relationship

Now that I’ve been back to a raw plant based diet I also want as much as I can take all kinds of oils out of my diet. I’ve been following a person named Rob Stuart on YouTube. He was able to overcome serious skin related diseases with change in his diet. Rob seems to be convinced that the skin health is the reflection of the gut’s health. Continue reading

Journal Entry: December 20th 2017 – Getting in shape – End of No Facebook – Writing – Living Situation – Compensating -Breathing

December 20th 2017

I am slowly getting back in shape

For the past two weeks I’ve dry-fasted a total number of three days. Two Sundays and one Friday. I have been eating plenty. In addition to my morning yoga, light jogging, and walking activities, I’ve added a bit more physically challenging exercises, and I increased the number of days I go out for a run. I’ve been also using my bike more. My physical activity remains mild, but I feel like I have gained a bit more strength. I am still in the mindset of regeneration, that is why I try to avoid physical activities that may be too taxing for my body. My strategy is to increase my physical activity as my organism is becoming cleaner, more alkaline and  more resilient. I don’t want to steal energy away for regeneration by exercising intensely. Although I think exercising is very beneficial for me, it can also cause fatigue if not adapted to my current situation in terms of my nervous energy capital.Continue reading