Journal Entry: April 8th 2018 – The End of a Cycle – More Findings on Kidney Filtration

Slightly Changing my Diet

For the past two weeks I’ve been having a hybrid diet. I’ve been juicing six days a week at home, and the rest of the time I’ve been eating at Spring which is an all you can eat vegetarian buffet. This week I have started to reduce the number of times I go to Spring in comparison to the previous weeks and replaced some of my meals at Spring by some mono meals prepared at home. Mono meals of avocado, banana, or grapes tend to work great for me. The days when I’ve been having a juice and a mono meal for the entire day were amazing in terms of the ease in digestion. It almost feels like there’s no digestion.

After a month of including some cooked vegetarian meals to my diet I have the sensation that I am reaching the end of a cycle. Although delicious, I am becoming less exited to eat abundantly at Spring, and most importantly I have lost the great hunger I used to have during the previous weeks. I think it’s time to reduce even more the days I eat at Spring and increase the days I have raw plant based meals at home. The reason why I don’t want to completely stop going to Spring is because during the past month or so I have gained some muscular mass, I feel stronger physically, and my productivity and my desire to do things have been all very high.

The week did not start very well for me

On Mondays Spring is closed, and I was missing produce to make my own juice at home. I went to this place where they have good tasting cold pressed juices named Juice Up. I ended up having three bottles of their delicious green juices. Although their recipes are right on in terms of taste, I think that it’s a shame that they are not using organic produce. I am wondering if having a non organic cold pressed juice does my body more good or bad.Continue reading

Journal Entry: March 11th 2018 – Riding the Good Wave

Keeping it Up

It has been an other amazing week of me feeling great.

  • Dry-fast on Sunday
  • On Monday, I went to this new place named Gratitude on “calle Dorrego” to break my fast. They have some plant based food options, along with delicious juices. Their pricing is on the affordable side, the portions are huge, and the produce they use to prepare the food seem to be of extreme good quality. Although I suspect most of the produce they use to be traditionally grown, the quality offered for the peso is pretty impressive.
  • On Tuesday, I ate at home, pursuing the oil and nut free, raw plant based diet.
  • On Wednesday, I had my third salt flush. OMG! On my two previous salt flush attempts, I only had to go to the bathroom twice at each session. This time around, I actually understood why this practice is called a salt flush. I ended up going to the bathroom seven or eight times. At the end I had the feeling that my entire digestive system was completely emptied out. After the digestive tsunami was over, I felt kind of tired and took a nap for a couple of hours. When I woke up I wasn’t feeling all that great. I made myself a delicious green juice, and went out for a walk to “El Rosedad de Palermo” at sunset. A few minutes after making it to “El Rosedad”, something amazing happened to me internally. I started to experience an unprecedented mind clarity. I ended up walking for about two hours, the weather was perfect and the park beautiful. The combination of the salt flush, the nap, the green juice, and the walk in a beautiful setting, had taken me to a place where I felt extremely serene, in peace, and inspired. I decided to not eat solid food for the rest of the day, so the mind clarity could sustain itself as long as it could.


I made it back home around 9:00PM. I had not taken my phone with me. As I took a look to the screen saver of my smartphone, I saw that I had several messages from the same number. Obviously someone was trying to get a hold of me.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 29th – Dry-Fasting Four Days a Week –

November 29th 2017

Dry-Fasting Four Days a Week

Exactly a week has past by since my last entry. Adding Wednesdays as an extra dry-fasting day has been working out great for me. At the moment I am only eating and drinking on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I think last week was an extremely productive week. In addition to only eating three days a week, I did not eat out once, and I did not consume any products of animal origin since November 18th. My plan is to keep this dry-fasting pattern, and allow myself to eat out maybe every 14 days or so. I am thinking of having some Indian food at Mumbai on Saturday to feed my body with animal protein and various spices they ship directly from India. We’ll see, I’m not %100 sure if I’ll go out this week or wait one more week. Eating only three days a week, and preparing everything at home has been working out really well for me for the past week. This is why I wouldn’t like to change much until my body asks for something different. In  addition to feeling better and doing more things, I have to admit that my current fasting-pattern has been helping my budget a lot. When one eats only three days a week, at home, and raw food, it makes a huge difference on the finances.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 20th 2017 – Eating Raw, Eating Cooked – Facebook-Fast – Moving Out Soon

November 20th 2017

Alternating Raw and Cooked Food

It has now been over a month that I’ve been allowing myself some cooked food containing animal products. At home I’ve been eating quasi all raw except for quinoa. I’ve been eating out about three times a week for the last month. I was able to eat some red meat and seafood. My favorite restaurant for the month has been Mumbai, preparing to perfection some northern Indian dishes. I truly have been enjoying every bite of their food. Since eating more traditionally cooked food, I’ve been always feeling good the next day. I even think that having some animal origin food and Indian spices have been boosting my overall energy levels.Continue reading

Journal Entry: November 12th 2017 – Sunday, Tuesday, Friday Dry-Fasting Pattern –

November 12th 2017

Like a Metronome

My current weekly dry-fasting pattern has been acting like metronome on my life lately. I’ve been dry-fasting on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays. I’m working from home on two of the dry-fasting days: Tuesdays and Fridays. I am producing for about 10 to 12 hours of pure work per working day. Since I am on a freelancer contract, I only take into account the hours when I am actually in front of the computer working. In terms of food intake, it has been a mix of me preparing raw vegetarian food at home, and going out to eat traditionally cooked food.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 31st 2017 – The Mystery of Kidney Filtration

October 31st 2017

My modest attempt to solve the kidney filtration mystery…

Since I had the Indian food at Mumbai last week, I’ve been feeling amazing. Besides feeling amazing, my kidneys have been filtering regularly since. I have to admit that I am a bit lost trying in figuring out how kidney filtration works. In order to have a better understanding of the situation I decided to rewind the film of my life a bit,  and reflect on my actions and the nutrition I’ve been exposed to for the past weeks. Maybe that way I can get a better understanding of how kidney filtration has been working for me.Continue reading

Journal Entry: October 29th 2017 – 17 Hours of Sleep – Traditionally Cooked Meals –

October 29th 2017

Low Energy

I’ve been on a Sunday, Tuesday, Friday dry-fasting pattern for over a week now . On Friday my shift at work got cancelled. I was morally affected by the situation. When a shift gets cancelled, it means 50% less work for an entire week. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to make sustainable living with this work opportunity. In addition to the low morale, I had lower energy than usual. I tried to be productive during the morning. In the afternoon I decided to go to Palermo and do a long walk. I always have my e-book reader with me. When I get tired I usually read a chapter or two from the e-reader. I’m reading “The Stand” from Stephen King at the moment. I enjoyed my time in Palermo, the weather was partially cloudy and windy. As the clouds were passing in front of the sun, I would get or not get exposure to the sun. Moments with direct sunlight were out-winning the cloudy moments. I was able to spend over an hour at the “Plaza Armenia”. After completing several chapters of my book, I decided go back home to do more work on my own projects. I had low energy all day, and I had been feeling kind of tired. After making it back home, I was able to spend less than an hour on the computer. I decided to go to bed. It was only 7:00PM. I followed my instinct and went to bed. It was a bit hard at first to fall asleep on a Friday night in my neighborhood due to the noise coming from the street, but I somehow at one point managed to bed down.Continue reading