Journal Entry: December 1st 2017 – Juice Fasting – Religious Practices as Temporal Filters – Disconnecting – No Cell-Phone Plan

December 1st 2017

Changing My Fasting Pattern

As we start the month of December I have decided to switch gears and change my fasting pattern. For the past month and a half, I’ve been dry-fasting between three to four days a week. During that period the actual pattern helped me in being more productive, and I saw a considerable increase in my kidney filtration abilities. Before getting started with the new pattern I intend to do an intermittent fast today during the day, and eat plenty at night. Tomorrow Saturday, I am planning on eating and drinking plenty as well. On Sunday, I will start a 36 hour dry-fast until Monday afternoon.

Starting Monday I want to introduce the new fasting-pattern. A 100% juice fast. The idea is to only consume juice and coconut oil for x amount of consecutive days. I am planning on avoiding all solid food. I haven’t decided how long I am going to fast this way. As usual I expect my body to guide me. Continue reading

Journal Entry: July 22nd 2017 – Different Fasting Patterns – Ramadan – Kidney Filtration

July 22nd 2017

Different Fasting Patterns

I have the feeling that I’ve made some great progress since very first journal entry in April. (My very first journal entry: intro) For the past three months or so, the main progress I could observe has been in my ability to dry-fast longer periods of time, and more often. The months preceding April, I had already incorporated a 36 to 40 hour dry-fasting periods into my weekly routine. After I wrote my very first journal entry in April, the next step consisted in increasing the number of fasts of similar lengths, and have two of them per week. I started fasting on Thursdays and Sundays for a minimum of 36 hours. I did this for about five weeks. At each iteration, I would feel better, up to the point where my body started to ask for more consecutive fasting days.Continue reading