October 29th 2017
Low Energy
I’ve been on a Sunday, Tuesday, Friday dry-fasting pattern for over a week now . On Friday my shift at work got cancelled. I was morally affected by the situation. When a shift gets cancelled, it means 50% less work for an entire week. I still don’t know if I’ll be able to make sustainable living with this work opportunity. In addition to the low morale, I had lower energy than usual. I tried to be productive during the morning. In the afternoon I decided to go to Palermo and do a long walk. I always have my e-book reader with me. When I get tired I usually read a chapter or two from the e-reader. I’m reading “The Stand” from Stephen King at the moment. I enjoyed my time in Palermo, the weather was partially cloudy and windy. As the clouds were passing in front of the sun, I would get or not get exposure to the sun. Moments with direct sunlight were out-winning the cloudy moments. I was able to spend over an hour at the “Plaza Armenia”. After completing several chapters of my book, I decided go back home to do more work on my own projects. I had low energy all day, and I had been feeling kind of tired. After making it back home, I was able to spend less than an hour on the computer. I decided to go to bed. It was only 7:00PM. I followed my instinct and went to bed. It was a bit hard at first to fall asleep on a Friday night in my neighborhood due to the noise coming from the street, but I somehow at one point managed to bed down.Continue reading